Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for July 2017
1)The energy resultant (ER) of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets with the zodiac signs
2) Astrology forecast
3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
5) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.
Note: the zodiac signs are listed in the order of the energy resultant, from lowest to highest.
+20-32 = -12
While instinctively knowing what to do, now it is best to let others make the moves and not give too much weight to some fussiness that may be seen.
5113 – Complex relations around you. Fire and Smoke. This makes everything more complex. – You have a life with a complex missions, which rightly escape you now.
10 – THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE – Rhythms, alternations of fate, surprises to contain or contrast, instability, necessary intuition, wisdom, opportunities to take advantage of. … Malcut. Influence: Moon-Mercury.
4 – Build, explore, selz-discipline Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.
+31-31 = 0
Some situations could highlight your profound aspects in a not very appropriate way. Do not get distracted; stay focused on your own initiatives of growth and development.
4544 – The sun shines even when it is raining. You know it, but you forget it. Being in tune means being available. – New discoveries.
76 – EMBARRASSMENT – Obstacle, disturbance, emotion, hard to control, discomfort, confusion, blushing, perplexities, emotional tremor…
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.
26-25 = +1
The areas of friendships and projects are the most suitable to express yourself on every level. Opportunities for economic growth are also good.
3461 – Success. Decision. Courage, being and desiring. – Talk to yourself loudly. Learn to listen to yourself.
4 – THE EMPEROR – Decision, firmness, positivity, expressed power, execution. CHESED demonstration, knowledge-power, ostentatious symbols of power, if it is strategic and useful… influence: Mars-Saturn.
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.
+35-31 = +4
Many and various interesting situations to be encountered this month, both as curiosities and profitable opportunities for exchange. Many ideas. It is necessary to know how to sacrifice yourself in family matters.
5445 – It is a year of great change and activity. Act in all fields. Ask. – The real purpose is beyond what you now imagine it to be.
12 – THE HANGED MAN – Courage to face punishment, discomfort, problems and responsibilities. Abnegation, agreeing to selfless sacrifice, forgetting wrongdoings…
4 – Build, explore, selz-discipline Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.
+31-26 = +5
You do not feel so comfortable in your home, but for everything else, you can count on great energy, willpower and good communicative qualities that make you intuitive and concrete.
6556 – Writing interpreted. The evolved individual accepts his or her own responsibility and dies fighting. Renew yourself. – The key of life.
53 – OVERSEER – Overseer, curious, nosy, spy, observer, examiner, scientist, artist, creates unusual connections…
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.
+31-16 = +15
Perhaps some embarrassment in the family, or distraction, or sentimental confusion… It is time to use ideas with excitement and fully experience all that you are passionate about.
3541 – All the poems you used to write in your mind and on paper, are a Moment. Do not be ashamed of them! You are part of yourself. – Freer fantasy. Use it.
42 – YOUNG BLONDE – Discretion, morality, integrity, honor, modesty, fear, apprehension, hesitation, sweetness, inner values, knowing how far to push and when to stop…
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.
+34-19 = +15
Good organizational skills and planning in the economic field, which in the second part of the month are more oriented toward new exchanges and diverse interests, with greater curiosity.
4416 – Change. To change you need to want it. Alchemy. – More fantasy and color in your life!
23 – COUNTRY WOMAN – Economics, attentive observation, honesty and principles, culture, education, virtue, honor, sweetness, wisdom…
7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst. 7th Quesito.
+29-11 = +18
Some instability in your affairs, but they tend to be resolved for the better. The first three weeks of July are much better than the end of the month. You can use them to let yourself by guided by new contacts or interests that you are involved with.
5454 – The light is steady and it is not suffocated by the storm. Strength. – Nothing is really put at stake. Great things can do without you, too.
8 – THE JUSTICE – Order, choice to respect verbal and non-verbal contracts, regularity, meticulousness, method, balance, law, convinced determination… (Hod – Lunar placid influence).
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+33-13 = +20
The month begins with a lot of energy, but after the first week, something (words, writings, exchanges) could cause misunderstandings with others, and after July 22, it could reignite. Great time for travel, also for pleasure.
2514 – Relatives have an influence. But magical things free you, and rightly so. Respect. – Be very aware of quarrels for profit!
29 – TALKS – Diplomatic meetings,discussions,engagements,conversation, negotiations,talking,saying things,even in sleep,signals,transactions…
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.
+38-18 = +20
Capacity to welcome that which is different from your own origins, in culture and tradition. It is as if there were a moment of pause, which could help you come out of a repressed situation or release a point of tension.
6226 – Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism. – Changing without hesitation.
40 – THE CITY – Native place, homeland, origin, country, city, citizenship, town, village, site, starting point or new beginning…
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+33-10 = +23
Projects that have already been set up are going well. Until July 22 there are openings, new logic and knowledge to explore. Then the situation becomes more complicated and what was already a source of doubt or criticism becomes even more evident and severe.
6315 – Truth, you know, is a crystal with many faces. Accept the ones which are offered to you. The path. Initiation. – A Proposal. Essential. New route.
18 – THE MOON – Imagine me, dream, vision, appearance, appearances indistinguishable from reality, illusions, misunderstandings, preconceptions that distort the choices … Influence Moon active.
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.
+45-0 = +45
The sign of the month! No obstacles, everything is favorable. You know how to use discernment and employ your strengths in a positive way. However, in the first part of the month, you will need to be patient and better understand what could just be an effect and not a cause.
1161 – Another hour for your Synchronicity: forms are changing inside and outside of you. – Slowing down.
6 – THE LOVER – love-trial, feeling that you are tied to, occasion/opportunity for growth or change, free will, exam, test, choice… Tifhareth. influence: Venus.
7 – The Chariot – Triumphal march, ability, skill, tact, diplomacy, progress, superiority, applied strategy, tactical ostentation… Netzack. influence: Mars-Sun.
By Soffio