Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for September 2016
1) The energy resultant (ER) of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets with the zodiac signs
2) Astrology forecast
3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
5) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.
Note: the zodiac signs are listed in the order of the energy resultant, from lowest to highest.
E. S. -22 (+20-42)
Your best prospects are opening in support of what you instinctively enjoy the most (creativity, friendships), although you need patience in relationship dynamics and family contacts. Avoid critical comments (or those regarded as such by others) as much as possible.
4353 – Attention when going from one place to another. Danger. – Do not escape from yourself. Caution today.
33 – Enterprise – Initiating. Starting. Beginning to do something with verve and conviction. Boldness, daring. Audacity. Conscious effort. Having a goal. Making an attempt.
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.
E. S. -16 (+21-37)
You may feel pressure and control over you, so much so as to condition you, and you may not feel supported by partners… but all this will be resolved. It remains important to discover which energies and resources triggers this in you, in order to have them emerge consciously.
4622 – Try to hide your own cowardice. Pride and presumption. Look at what you are hiding. -Forced attitude. More genuineness and less falsehood.
17 – The Star – Principles, idealism, practice regulated by inner discipline, goodness, respect and modesty that brings closer, hope, inner beauty and the capacity to see it… Influence: Sun-Venus.
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quesito.
E. S. -10 (+22-32)
Your mood may seem kind of detached, and this could trigger fear, with agitation or an anesthetic effect, but this does not stop the process. Others are transformed and we are also transformed with them. You can quickly understand new developments.
2425 – Death. Renewal. Close to you. – More respect for life.
6 – The Lover – Love-trial, feeling that you are tied to, occasion/opportunity for growth or change, free will, exam, test, choice… Tifhareth. influence: Venus.
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.
E. S. +3 (+29-26)
Sometimes it is better to leave words (or actions) to your collaborators, without rushing and without superficiality, even if they are not perfectly aligned with our intentions. In you, there is energy and there are plans for the future, very expansive initiatives and perspectives.
4261 – Signs are all around you. Now that you know, look. – A sign of identification, distinction.
71 – Money – Wealth, value, amount, currency, silver, valuables, antiques, goods…
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quesito.
E. S. +7 (+33-26)
The positive effects of this period are continuing. Shadows may arise in a kind of inner agitation or elusiveness in understanding other people’s logic, but this could also be a strong attractor for you.
4511 – New leaves are the most delicate. But also the most vital. Perseverance. – Pure love.
48 – Love – passion, attraction, affinity, instinct, pleasure, friendship, attachment, vibration between two, telepathic connection and connection of moods… – Love –
3 – Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz. 3rd Quesito.
E. S. +18 (+42-24)
You have a lot of strength that you manage and direct by yourself. There are still situations in social contexts that can help you to better understand the subtleties and nuances of management, with effects that concern you most of all.
3665 – Do not think that others have hidden intentions. Your naïveté will be your shield. – Think well of others.
71 – Money – Wealth, value, amount, currency, silver, valuables, antiques, goods…
7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst. 7th Quesito.
E. S. +19 (+37-18)
A period of fluidity and openings has begun, which can bring out your artistic and social characteristics. Observe what is working well, in order to make a strong effort in the same direction, with potential developments in the making.
2444 – Say “thank you” more often to those close to you. Interchangeability. Children are your mirror. – Teach with gesture. Live it. Reign.
33 – Enterprise – Initiating. Starting. Beginning to do something with verve and conviction. Boldness, daring. Audacity. Conscious effort. Having a goal. Making an attempt.
4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.
E. S. +19 (+41-22)
Altogether, September is balanced for you. There are situations that come into balance pretty much by themselves. When something does not work out on the social level, there are elaborations that allow you to resolve them, and so on. Period suitable for studying.
4216 – Harmony. From great to small. Health. – At the right place, greater Understanding.
69 – Effect – Realization, project that can succeed, success, completion, fulfillment, positive, optimism that is helpful…
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
E. S. +31 (+34-3)
A good expressive period, giving support to what you could conceive of or feel is in tune with you. The intellectual level can easily process and renew patterns, using intuitions and analytical precision. Follow ideals.
5161 – Heat is harmful to you. Cold is healthy for you. Nobility of intention. – Moderation, do not flare up.
34 – Regret – Sadness. Melancholy, suffering, pain, irritation, discomfort, desolation, all things that can be controlled and changed if you foresee them…
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quesito.
E. S. +36 (+38-2)
Many intentions, many ideas, much fervor that can be well directed. It is a balanced and harmonic phase between new elaborations and the impact (effect) on your environment. Relationships and sentiments “travel” toward foreign countries.
3415 – The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait. – With fantasy, invent solutions. But now wait.
28 – Countryside – Cultivating something, ideas, projects, fields… Culture, peace, fun, pastoral serenity, balance, innocence, peace… Possibility of contemplation.
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quesito.
E. S. +37 (+39-2)
Acceleration in contacts and in daily exchanges with others, more harmony in feelings, inner strength and expressive capacity, especially of a spontaneous nature. An excellent period, also on the practical level as a precursor of what could have been previously elaborated.
1133 – All of it is not by chance. Observe attentively. – Do not be the victim of your thoughts!
76 – Embarrassment – Obstacle, disturbance, emotion, hard to control, discomfort, confusion, blushing, perplexities, emotional tremor…
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.
E. S. +39 (+39-0)
Remarkable expressive power about ideals and feelings, creative spirit and imagination, creative power. The beginning of an inner phase which can reveal the feared or forgotten parts of ourselves in a soft way.
1456 – The image of a woman. Pride, desire, jealousy. – Blame is equally distributed.
9 – The Hermit – Prudent choice, privacy, constructive solitude, restriction, meditation, trial for oneself, shedding light on the dangerous path… JESOD. influence: Saturn.
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.