HumaniTree Alliance
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Active 2 weeks ago
There is a constant flow of information moving through the universe between stars and planets,... View more
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Group Description
There is a constant flow of information moving through the universe between stars and planets, touching every conscious being with thoughts and emotions. The more our species lives in harmony with the living energy field of the universe, the more human consciousness is able to guide its own evolution. Trees have always been an important tool for dialoguing with life in the universe and accessing spiritual content. They are antennae capable of picking up subtle energies and, in their function as transmitters and receivers of the information present in nature, accompanying its flow from Earth to the stars and planets and, vice versa, from all heavenly bodies to Earth.
This valuable connection has been compromised by our species, due to the destruction of forests and represents a serious loss of awareness for human beings. Plants hold our history, and a part of our mind can be reawakened through symbiotic contact with tree elders.
Tree Orientation is a project that Damanhur has been carrying out for a decade. Anyone who perceives trees as living creatures can participate, in a simple and concrete way, to reestablishing the vital connection between the world of human beings and the plant world. Tree Orientation weaves together the threads of a relationship that has been interrupted due to our lack of sensitivity to the ecosystem to which we belong. It is an opportunity to recreate a true alliance between our species, sending a strong signal that humanity has understood the need for deep communication with our tree friends.
This magical operation is called “orientation,” because the energies and consciousnesses of the trees are aligned toward a common direction, with the aim of creating an energetic connection between them even where the roots no longer touch. The scope of this initiative is extraordinary. It means connecting the plants with each other on a new level, reactivating the power and intelligence of the plant world, rebuilding what we can call, with a bold new logic, “treeness.” Through this, humanity as a whole will become more aware of the plant world, understanding it as a living, intelligent unit with which to establish a constant dialogue necessary for our own evolution.
Tree Orientation began in September 2011, simultaneously in California and Japan. To date, there are many people involved in this project; their enthusiasm has made it possible to orient millions of trees on every continent, except Antarctica.
The priority now is to orient older, multi-centennial and thousand-year-old trees; they are the so-called “deans”, repositories of knowledge of the plant world. Equally important is orienting trees on islands. Coastal trees are able to transmit the orientation to marine vegetation: trees with roots in the water have made it possible to extend this to underwater flora as well. The goal is the orientation of 1,200,000,000 trees: when this critical mass is reached, the plant world will be considered oriented.
If you feel the desire to participate in this great magical design, the time is now! It is a simple process that does not harm the trees in any way; it requires a Selfic tool and, most importantly, the ability to safely reach areas where large trees are found.
Welcome to this great, exciting and fun adventure!
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Tree orientation 2021-22 - 1
February 25, 2023· 7 photos· 0 videos