Falco Tarassaco—Spiritual Guide, Healer, Visionary

A day dedicated to studying the life of the Founder of Damanhur, an innovative and practical philosopher, a decade after his passing.

Morning Session

  • Opening
  • Coboldo Melo, Damanhur
    “From Oberto Airaudi to Falco Tarassaco Cristallo di lava, a brief biography”
  •  Luigi Berzano, University of Turin
    “Oberto and the years preceding Damanhur”
  • Antilope Verbena, Damanhur
    “Falco therapist”
  • Massimo Introvigne, Cesnur
    “Falco and the Damanhurian school system”
  • Pierluigi Zoccatelli, University of Turin
    “Falco and the Selfica paintings”

Afternoon Session

  • Majid Valcarenghi, Conacreis
    “Falco and Damanhur in the panorama of spiritually subversive movements”
  • Elena Zapponi, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
    “Falco in relation to other spiritual masters, in the research of Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti”
  • Stefania Palmisano, University of Turin
    “How much we feel Falco, in Damanhur, today”
  • Paolo Narya Tosetto, Ananda Assisi
    “Falco Tarassaco and Swami Kriyananda, two paths in the light”
  • Orango Riso, Damanhur
    “The message of Falco Tarassaco, from the seventies to today”
  • Panel discussion

The concert

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Falco and the expression of a collective spirit

Conversations with Falco Tarassaco often left one with the impression of engaging with a multitude of voices, as if he channeled the collective spirit of Damanhur itself. He embodied the wisdom, wit, and humor of the entire community, responding as a collective entity would, synthesizing the essence of its members. While Falco possessed a unique depth and insight into others, he also served as the conduit for Damanhur’s collective energy. He was not just an individual but the manifestation of the community’s spirit, expressed through him.


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