Propaedeutic course to find your mission in life

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

What is the purpose of our existence? What is the purpose of life?  Every individual has a Mission to fulfill in their life, a project to be chosen and then to be fulfilled; a project, which motivates our very existence and empowers our growth through various incarnations.

Event Series The triad

The Triad

Temples of Humankind Via Baldissero 21, Vidracco, TO, Italy

At Damanhur, we believe that every divine force is made of three primary sources: Energy, Will and Knowledge. We call this concept “The Triad.” These divinities are entities that can interact with and influence universal laws

Event Series The triad

The Triad

Temples of Humankind Via Baldissero 21, Vidracco, TO, Italy

At Damanhur, we believe that every divine force is made of three primary sources: Energy, Will and Knowledge. We call this concept “The Triad.” These divinities are entities that can interact with and influence universal laws

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Commemoration of the Dead

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

Celebrate the Commemoration of the Dead with us and open a communication channel between the dimensions of the “living” and the world of the “dead”.

Event Series The triad

The Triad

Temples of Humankind Via Baldissero 21, Vidracco, TO, Italy

At Damanhur, we believe that every divine force is made of three primary sources: Energy, Will and Knowledge. We call this concept “The Triad.” These divinities are entities that can interact with and influence universal laws

Event Series The triad

The Triad

Temples of Humankind Via Baldissero 21, Vidracco, TO, Italy

At Damanhur, we believe that every divine force is made of three primary sources: Energy, Will and Knowledge. We call this concept “The Triad.” These divinities are entities that can interact with and influence universal laws