Individual or community? | Talks with Damanhur, episode 4

Online event

Talks with Damanhur are a great occasion to reflect upon and discuss life's big questions; re-discover a vision that connects the conception of the Universe, the subtle structure of our bodies, Time, Death, ancient wisdom, and everything in between.

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Spiritual Popolo Day

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

Every summer, members of the Popolo Spirituale meet to celebrate our collective achievements and strengthen our bond even more. On this fun day, everyone enjoys coming together and spending time as a community, and a photograph is taken with all members of the Popolo.

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Well-Being Day In The Sacred Woods

Sacred Woods Via dei Templi 6, Vidracco, Italy

Due to the rain, we unfortunately need to postpone the event to a later date. We'll be sure to keep you updated on the new date as soon as we have it.
Explore the contact with the plant world through meditative dynamics, Selfica treatments, and the healing touch of prana therapy within the space of the Sacred Woods.

Autumn Equinox

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

Celebrate Autumn Equinox with us!

Leaving the Body | Talks with Damanhur, episode 06

Online event

Talks with Damanhur are a great occasion to reflect upon and discuss life's big questions; re-discover a vision that connects the conception of the Universe, the subtle structure of our bodies, Time, Death, ancient wisdom, and everything in between.

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Commemoration of the Dead

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

Celebrate the Commemoration of the Dead with us and open a communication channel between the dimensions of the “living” and the world of the “dead”.

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Winter Solstice

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

Celebrate Winter Solstice with us!

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Event Series Damanhur GET Ritual

Damanhur GET Ritual

Damjl Via Pramarzo 3, Baldissero Canavese, (TO), Italia

During this ritual, the Popolo’s collective talents, gifts, memories, knowledge, and other characteristics are consolidated, offered up, and sent into a common reservoir...

Welcome to New Life 2.0

Damanhur is a magical and spiritual reality that offers a unique social model for the world. The New Life program allows you to explore if…