A day dedicated to studying the life of the Founder of Damanhur, an innovative and practical philosopher, a decade after his passing.
Damanhur Crea, Adriano Olivetti Hall and broadcast via Zoom
The translation will be available in ????????English, ????????Spanish & ???????? German.
For reservations, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Welcome center.
10:00 Opening
10:20 Coboldo Melo, Damanhur
“From Oberto Airaudi to Falco Tarassaco Cristallo di lava, a brief biography”
10:45 Luigi Berzano, University of Turin
“Oberto and the years preceding Damanhur”
11:10 Antilope Verbena, Damanhur
“Falco therapist”
11:35 Massimo Introvigne, Cesnur
“Falco and the Damanhurian school system”
12:00 Pierluigi Zoccatelli, University of Turin
“Falco and the Selfica paintings”
12:30 Opening of the Selfica Gallery and break with the possibility of a visit to the Temples of Humankind, upon reservation
There will be lunch service available, and the bar will remain open until 16:00
14:15 Majid Valcarenghi, Conacreis
“Falco and Damanhur in the panorama of spiritually subversive movements”
14:40 Elena Zapponi, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
“Falco in relation to other spiritual masters, in the research of Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti”
14:55 Stefania Palmisano, University of Turin
“How much we feel Falco, in Damanhur, today”
15:15 Paolo Narya Tosetto, Ananda Assisi
“Falco Tarassaco and Swami Kriyananda, two paths in the light”
15:30 Orango Riso, Damanhur
“The message of Falco Tarassaco, from the seventies to today”
16:00 Panel discussion
17:00 Damanhur Choir concert
For more information or reservations, please contact our Welcome center.
Hope to see you there!