10 days of community life and activities, discovering the most famous spiritual community in the world through the stories of its builders. A journey into its communities, historical places, and Temples of Humankind, accompanied by the stories of those who contributed to making this unique experience grow and flourish.
A program where you can contribute to the many ongoing projects and develop new ones, in contact with the energies of the territory and the forces that inhabit it. A taste of life in Damanhur, where you will experience the power of the group and a sense of community in your interactions with the life in Damanhur and the Damanhurians.
Get ready to tell your story and get to know your travel companions’ story, exchange your skills, learn new ones, express yourself creatively, play, and marvel at the beauty surrounding you!
This is a campus in which we will prepare ourselves for the upcoming autumn equinox. The equinox celebration will be held two days after the end of the campus, and those who want to have the possibility to stay and celebrate with us. In the Campus we will visit the Temples of Humankind and learn about Damanhur, and we will also have experiences with other Damanhurians living in our community.
In this Campus we will be welcomed by the community of Arca Tentyris, located in an ancient Celtic settlement.
You will have the opportunity to walk Circuits and Spirals of stones, listen to the Music of the Plants, visit the Temples of Humankind, meet damanhurians and new friends, make art together and touch what it means to live in a community.
An unforgettable experience dedicated to listening to oneself, to connect with others and to the life that surrounds us!
IMPORTANT: The “Community Life Campuses” are held in ENGLISH, so at least a basic knowledge of English is required to participate.