Destination Damanhur is about welcoming all those who are seeking and feel they could find an aspect of that they are looking for at Damanhur. Claudia, a New Life participant, shares about her desire to find a home for herself in an eco-community and the magic she discovers along the way.
“Hi, I’m Claudia from Canada, and five years ago, I decided that I want to live in an ecovillage. I heard about Damanhur through the documentary A New We, which is about 7 eco-communities in Europe, and Damanhur is one of them.
I’ve decided that it’s finally time for me to join an eco-community, and I would like to find one that is income sharing, that doesn’t require purchasing a property share to join, and also a place that is rural. I consulted an expert on intentional and eco-communities, and she recommented exploring Auroville, Findhorn, Damanhur and Dancing Rabbit.
So, I am currently on a tour to visit a series of different eco-communities in North America and Europe. I have already finished by North American leg of the trip visiting:
La Cité Écologique in Quebec, which is largest ecovillage in Canada with about 100 people
Twin Oaks and …
East Wind, two income-sharing sister communities in the USA.
Dancing Rabbit, which is named after a Native American massacre. It is not income sharing, though it is considered by Diana Leafe Christian as the most “eco” ecovillage in North America.
Damanhur is first eco-community that I have visited in Europe, and it is amazing. It’s so much more than I thought it would be. Some things that I thought were sci-fi concepts, I discovered that they could be real! I very much enjoyed the Spiritual Physics and magic aspect. The magic was the biggest surprise for me. I find that having this sensitivity and connection to magic, it gives more meaning to life. A special moment was when I synchronically found myself in a long conversation with Charles Eisenstein, who is one of the people in the world whose work I respect the most, and he also has an interest in quantum physics. The combination of the conversation I had with him and all the spirituality I learned at Damanhur, I feel it has been quite empowering for me, to know that I can effect more change than I previously thought I could.
If I could share some advice for those who are coming to Damanhur for New Life, I would say to learn some Italian beforehand… Come with an open mind… and just come! Come and experience this. This is definitely one of the most unique experiences I’ve had in my life… maybe the most! Also, give yourself time to process such different concepts. Be patient in understanding it all.”
Want to come for discovering Destination Damanhur, but you have maximum 10 days away from home? The AMINE’ program is created with this intention. The program starts September 26th, October 10th and November 7th.