With all the critical situations of the world: hunger, violence, warfare, economic and political uncertainty, destruction of the earth and its resources, sometimes it can seem like there isn’t so much to feel happy about. Yet happiness, optimism and smiling have always been key weapons for Damanhurians as spiritual warriors in a battle for peace and continued life on planet Earth.

CrolatoDamanhur, represented by Crotalo Sesamo, was recently present at the “I Do Happiness” event for the International Day of Happiness organized at the United Nations, with the presence of many world ambassadors and leaders. Crotalo shared a message from the Sages of Damanhur on the theme happiness, touching on questions of indigenous wisdom, altruism, discipline and hope.

Here is an excerpt from the message: 

No one in the world will ever be able to achieve happiness as long as there are people suffering. This includes our whole earth family: all the animals, plants, and other forms of life – both visible and invisible – whom we share our beautiful planet with. We will start to experience happiness, as a species, only when we learn to perceive the world and the universe as an integrated and intelligent whole, where we humans have responsibilities and duties, even before having rights.

A fundamental element for the respect of the whole is the protection of the identities and traditions of each people – especially indigenous peoples, who are the spiritual elders of humanity – because it is through a belonging to a larger community that we can participate in the Earth greater rhythms…

At Damanhur, we have experimented with all aspects of life, and we have realized that happiness is also the ability to participate in a sincere way in everything that comes from the world, be it joyful or challenging. Happiness is presence. It is sharing our life’s journey with others; it is the quality of our relationships; it is the feeling of wholeness when we heal the pain of our apparent division and fragmentation.

Happiness is also made of order and discipline: physical, mental and spiritual. We must work to know ourselves, and learn to guide our emotions, desires and actions in a positive, optimistic and creative way. Only by knowing ourselves deeply can we reach harmony. Happiness can be developed only through altruistic acts of will, kept alive and repeated over time. This process is much more powerful and effective if shared with like-minded individuals.

This is the time to start building equitable, balanced and therefore happy societies, through determination, optimism and a visionary pragmatism… The quest for happiness is the answer to the risk of extinction of the human race.

The Sages of Damanhur

A fundamental element for the respect of the whole is the protection of the identities and traditions of each people – especially indigenous peoples, who are the spiritual elders of humanity – because it is through a belonging to a larger community that we can participate in the Earth greater rhythms…