Exactly one year ago, we started our very first Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to renovate the Open Temple floor.

The Open Temple was first built in the mid 1980’s with the goal to create a sacred space dedicated to freedom and openness, being open to different spiritual paths and philosophies. The Temple is available for individuals and groups who visit Damanhur from all over the world to express their unique connection with the sacred, in joy and harmonious union between humanity and divinity.

Time did leave its mark, and this is the reason we are now working to renovate the Open Temple, making this sacred space beautiful.

Although we didn’t reach our goal in the actual campaign (we have much to learn about fundraising :)), we are determined to continue building this dream and making it a reality. Thanks to the contributions raised during the campaign and also to all the Damanhurians and friends who donated to this project, we are now one step closer to renovating the entire Temple flooring.

After six months of hard work, we are happy to show you the renovated section of the floor (one of the five wide steps that we plan to renovate), and a new statue of Temperance, created by our artist Cobra Alloro.

Thank you so much for your contribution! In case you want to help renovate other steps of the floor, you may do so here

And you, have you visited the Open Temple in Damanhur? We look forward to reading your impressions!