There are always good reasons to visit Damanhur and all the more now when we finally resume traveling, with the desire to nourish our eyes with beauty and harmony. But the event to be held June 18 to 22 is truly extraordinary: the Temples of Humankind, Time of Peoples Hall, will host an exhibition of African masks, which includes unique and precious items, still speaking a profound language that has not yet been fully discovered or understood.

Time of Peoples Hall is dedicated to the different traditions and cultures of the Earth, the disappeared, forgotten Peoples, and those who struggle to find their place in an increasingly unified world. A world where racism is still very present and diversity is not considered wealth, but something to be deleted—without true intent—through globalisation. In this sacred space, it is possible to contact the energies of a complex and varied Humanity and feel part of the Whole, of a rich history that we still can tap into.

WHEN: June 18 to 22

WHERE: Temples of Humankind, Time of Peoples Hall

WHAT: Exhibition of African masks

This will not be a static exhibition enjoyed in the silence of one’s own thoughts but a collective experience of immersion in another space/time, thanks to the presence of a very special guide. The Senegalese griot Mohamed BA will guide us on a journey of deep contact with living masks, which tell the stories of rites of passage of a culture that respects and honors the cycles of life.

The emotion of visual art and theatre blends with the energy of the Temples in a single beat and allows us to perceive, with our heart and our senses, the strength of a tradition that belongs to all of us, to the essence of humanity. Our essence should be seen as a bridge between heaven and earth, life and death, present and eternity.

We will hear stories from the voices of those who keep that tradition within themselves and generously share it; we will enjoy the closeness of talking masks, the essence of their features, the strength of their expressiveness, sharing all this with the people that synchronicity will bring together.

A real journey inside and outside of us.

In those same days, other artistic initiatives will make African culture the main flavor of our territory, with themed dinners. Conviviality is present in all peoples and sharing food means constantly thanking the Earth for its fruits, and enjoying it together with others.

There will be the opportunity to participate in events of sound, dance, singing. The skill of African percussionists is known all over the world and we will be lucky enough to host Mafal Diaw, who will introduce us to the world of the rhythms of his country. Our most instinctive part, our body, will be free to dance to the rhythms of the Earth.

The Damanhur choir will contribute to this event with a repertoire of songs of native people of the Earth, in an extraordinary concert to be held at the Damjl Amphitheater, the capital of Damanhur, and broadcast live for all those who want to get in tune with different sounds from those we are used to, different languages ​​that the power of music manages to bring together in a single language, the one of emotions.

The Baobab group from Ivrea will present a show that, in reality, is a ritual called “Dance without a plot, just to feel” and refers to a time when, even in Africa, dance and music were only and exclusively religious instruments that enhanced the ceremonial rituals that celebrated the cycles of life.

Our wish is that these days were a sensory field to immerse yourself in curiosity and joy. This will become a ritual because we go out of the ordinary and rediscover the ancient and always living significance of things.

Damanhur is grateful to Mohamed BA and this opportunity, which we invite you to enjoy with us.

Sign up for the event by clicking on the poster below 🙂