I'm afraid of brainwashing…! especially when it does not include the brain

The word “cult” has existed for centuries, but over time its precise meaning…

Discovering Damanhur on different levels

So many people contact us wondering and asking, “How can I become Damanhurian…

Liber School – a school based of the sense of freedom

Learn by playing outdoors, valuing diversity, connecting with your inner self…

Dreams to come true

“Being ready is everything” – so suggests the playwright and poet William…

Erasmus+ in Damanhur

This article recounts experience of the European youth exchange program called…

Green Pass from spirituality perspective

The current Green Pass (GP) policies in Italy are having a huge impact on the…

Position of Damanhur on Green Pass in Italy

The Italian government decree which appears to promote safety at work…

Pregnancy in Damanhur and the Plant world
by Zigola Pioppo

I believe I got pregnant on the day of the Autumn Equinox of 2020 and thus the…

The quality of our relationships

Damanhur was born in Valley of Сhiusella north of Turin, but in its 46-year…

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 3

This is the third of a three-part article. The first and the second article you…

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 2

This is the second of a three-part article. The first one you can find…

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 1

Personal reflections by Esperide Ananas Ametista I don’t believe we can ever be…

the sense of community

Wherever we are in the world, we are all experiencing the Covid19 emergency in…

How we face this crisis

Among the various consequences of the spread of Covid19, which now seems a…

Raising our immune defenses
in a community

In Damanhur, every crisis is seen as an opportunity, including that of the…

If the world gets sick

Worldwide attention is directed towards the coronavirus epidemic. The…

Ecovillage Design Education:
Training for Sustainability in Italy

The Ecovillage Design Education is born out of the experiences of long-existing…

For the best ones
the hardest path?

The wise say “For the best ones–the hardest path” or…

Happy Holidays from the Temples of Humankind

Dear friend, a new year is about to begin! May each of us be a luminous example…

The mother, the Grail and the child

My name is Wallaby Pulsatilla and I am a midwife living in Damanhur. In almost…