Indigenous Peoples and their value in building a harmonious future
We can build our future if we rely on our past in an adequate way. Instead of…
Discovering Damanhur on different levels
So many people contact us wondering and asking, “How can I become Damanhurian…
Position of Damanhur on Green Pass in Italy
The Italian government decree which appears to promote safety at work…
Pregnancy in Damanhur and the Plant world
by Zigola Pioppo
I believe I got pregnant on the day of the Autumn Equinox of 2020 and thus the…
The Earth is in a hurry...
and spinning faster
A new year has begun. Or has it..? The official system used worldwide today to…
the sense of community
Wherever we are in the world, we are all experiencing the Covid19 emergency in…
Raising our immune defenses
in a community
In Damanhur, every crisis is seen as an opportunity, including that of the…
Spiritual technology
for the Third Millennium
Human beings understood the power of light on metals when they discovered the…
Ecovillage Design Education:
Training for Sustainability in Italy
The Ecovillage Design Education is born out of the experiences of long-existing…
The mother, the Grail and the child
My name is Wallaby Pulsatilla and I am a midwife living in Damanhur. In almost…
The impact of Greta
It started as one of the many phenomena of protest and environmental awareness,…
Does positive money exist?
Once upon a time, a merchant ship, during a storm, got stuck right in front of…
The speed of the trees
The possibility of encounters and communication between the human world and the…