Falco Tarassaco:
What happens when we dream?

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of…

Oracle of June 2018

We dedicate the Oracle of June to our new projects and our union towards our…

Health and happiness

Being healthy, in its broadest sense, means being happy. When we are happy, we…

New Science on
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a well known phenomenon, and has been described and used by…

Falco Tarassaco:
Bending space and Time travelling

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of…

Falco Tarassaco:
Have you ever considered lying about the future?

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of…

Oracle of May 2018

The Oracle in May is dedicated to courage, the substance necessary for the…

And if today, there was an alchimist...

A story between reality and fantasy A dark and dusty cave, with tables and…

I breathe therefore I am

MORE ABOUT PRANA “Breathing is considered by every philosophy as the…

The hero is always on a journey

Between human and divine The hero is a human being that includes all of the…

Falco Tarassaco:
Educational system and community life

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of…

Falco Tarassaco:
What will it take for Humanity to Change?

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of…

Are aliens a myth or a reality?

What is life? Who knows if there is life outside the Earth. We mean physical,…

The Story of a Healer

I have always lived in Damanhur, in the sense that I was part of its…

The Alchemy of Living Forces

The School of Alchemy of Damanhur is born from the teachings of Falco…

2nd Oracle of April 2018

We dedicate the second Oracle of April to the power of thought united, that is…

Why do we celebrate rituals?

Communication at the base Communication plays a fundamental role in the…

Falco Tarassaco:
What is the true purpose of Damanhur?

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated weekly…