Maiale: my animal name and real change
Maiale (Pig) from Croatia tells us about his journey to Damanhur: first as a…
Beluga, from existential void to spiritual ideals
Being a Damanhurian doesn't necessarily mean living in Damanhur always and all…
Capriolo, waking up and changing the world
Living in community is a demanding life choice, and our friends and visitors…
Learn languages faster with Selfica
At Damanhur, we experiment with magical technologies to achieve our goals,…
Jacana fascinated by Atlantis and aliens
Jacana Campanula shares her story of arriving at Destination Damanhur... with…
Sooner or later, all your dreams come true
Quaglia Cocco shares about her choice to live in Damanhur as a citizen, and how…
Revolutionize your life at any age
So many of us in the world are feeling a sense of discontent in our day to day…
From China to Damanhur with love
Judy from China, one of our recent New Life participants, shares a series of…
Laughter, tears and dreams
Laughter, tears and dreams... 3 months at Damanhur and it's only the beginning…
Spinach wars and Irish clowns
Skye shares her experience at Damanhur after a month of WWOOFing and work…
Quokka & Quinoa: newest animal & plant names
If you are feeling stuck in a certain personality pattern, what better way to…
Love and marriage: an esoteric perspective
It's VALENTINE'S DAY. The world seems to be moving forward full speed through…
What does a community of individualists look like?
It seems to me like the modern world is based on individualism and separation…
Sometimes I wish I had returned to Damanhur
It’s been nearly two years since I was a New Life Citizen in Damanhur. The…
Challenging the ego and freeing your soul: six months into Damanhur
A blog article from Karin, a new citizen at Damanhur. Karin was born and raised…
Walking the Circuits in Damjl
I walk the circuits of Damjl: the arrangements of bright blue and red rocks…
Some of the Nucleo Communities of Damanhur
Along the narrow roads weaving through the luxurious hills of the Valchiusella…