Language of the heart

Con voi! I'm Esther, a Damanhur New Life participant from Spain. For three…

What does a community of individualists look like?

It seems to me like the modern world is based on individualism and separation…

Powerful emotions

Hey everyone! I (Shanti a New Life temporary citizen in Damanhur) recently had…

My spiritual Creed

I have traveled many miles, and only felt at home in the unspecified world of…

Sometimes I wish I had returned to Damanhur

It’s been nearly two years since I was a New Life Citizen in Damanhur. The…

Live in a community YOU can be proud of

Damanhur represents an example of an alternative life and community for many…

A Little Place Called Love

Saturday, Tim Schoonhoven from the Netherlands bid good-bye to Damanhur after…

Cosmos, Solstice and Ecstatic Dance

Notes from New Life... by Ann Marie Molnar If there’s…

Life's way of having fun

The New Life program is a very full package of events, lessons, sharing and…

Sacred Dance: a liberating transformation

I know that visiting Damanhur for the first time can be intense. A catalyzing…

Tree orientation, barbed wire and Scarlet Doors in Sweden

When I was in Sweden, I decided that I wanted to orient all the trees around my…

Blogging about New Life: impressions from a week in the life of Damanhur

Here's a blog post from one of our New Life program participants. It gives a…

Walking the Circuits in Damjl

I walk the circuits of Damjl: the arrangements of bright blue and red rocks…

Guest Blog: Nucleo Life from a New Lifer

Chuck Estin from Bios Design is here at Damanhur for three months as part of…

Some of the Nucleo Communities of Damanhur

Along the narrow roads weaving through the luxurious hills of the Valchiusella…

What do you do as a New Life participant?

Dressed in colorful, flowing garments, Wapiti is a typical Damanhurian…

Water flows and greenhouse growth at Tiglio

Continued from... New Life Journey: My nucleo community Tiglio After a week or…

New Life Journey: my nucleo community Tiglio

When my time in Foglia Verde came to an end, I moved into my new nucleo: Tiglio…

The Beginning (Part 4)

Imagine you have landed on one of the most exquisite terrains in the world and…

The Beginning (Part 3)

I move into Foglia Verde (Green Leaf) which is the “welcoming house” for New…