Do you know what's in your detergent?

Avoiding commercial cleaning products in favor of "natural" ones... well, it…

Alex Grey on Damanhurian Art, Part 2

Alex Grey is one of the most noted contemporary painters in America who has…

Alex Grey on Damanhurian Art Part 1

Alex Grey is one of the most noted contemporary painters in America who has…

Jean Houston at Damanhur

Jean Houston speaks at Damanhur Crea on "The Importance of Myth in…

From City Life to Sacred Woods, Part 2

If you are in need of healing, nature and the healing powers of plants and…

From City Life to Sacred Woods - Part 1

Do you ever feel like escaping city life and immersing in nature? Muflone…

Quokka & Quinoa: newest animal & plant names

If you are feeling stuck in a certain personality pattern, what better way to…

The Creative Alchemy of Living as an Artist

Expressing the creative potential within our beating hearts and human bodies is…

Nutrition for being a better magician (part 3) - Beyond food

Here’s the last in this three-part series on food, nutrition and relating…

Nutrition for being a better magician (part 2) - How to eat

Here are some more insights on spiritual nutrition from ‘The Little…

Love and marriage: an esoteric perspective

It's VALENTINE'S DAY.  The world seems to be moving forward full speed through…

Nutrition for being a better magician (part 1) - What to eat

When I was living in America, I often got into discussions about diet,…

Travel Tips for Astral Adventures

Of all the classes I've taken at the Damanhur University, Astral Travel is one…

Sometimes I wish I had returned to Damanhur

It’s been nearly two years since I was a New Life Citizen in Damanhur. The…

What is Olio Caldo?
360° self sufficiency

The term "Olio Caldo" (Hot Oil) comes from a scene narrated in the "Myth of the…

Challenging the ego and freeing your soul: six months into Damanhur

A blog article from Karin, a new citizen at Damanhur. Karin was born and raised…

Walking the Circuits in Damjl

I walk the circuits of Damjl: the arrangements of bright blue and red rocks…

The Baby and the Singing Plant

The first anecdote I want to share on the topic of sensitivity to plants is one…

Ingredients for "Living the moment"

Indifference The Damanhurian concept of indifference is very different from the…

High energy, deep release, a New Life journey

Over a year ago in 2010, I traveled around Europe. I walked the Camino de…