Damanhurian face painting

Damanhur is a young Popolo (people) with only 42 years of history, but we have…

The sense of desire

To find ourselves, and to ignite the energy within us that leads to new…

Synchronic Horoscope:
July 2-8, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…

Astrology Forecast
July 2017

Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for July 2017 1)The energy…

Falco Tarassaco:
The magical properties of Light

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated weekly…

The way of rebellion

There is a difference between being a rebel and being undisciplined, even…

Synchronic Horoscope:
June 25 - July 1, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…

Concert with a bush and a piano

During a windy afternoon in the magic of the Sacred Woods Temple, I had the…

Falco Tarassaco: advice for new communities

Falco Tarassaco, the founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated a…

Synchronic Horoscope:
June 18-24, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…

Oracle for Damanhur, June 2017

The Oracle of the month of June is dedicated to the completion of the awakening…

Synchronic Horoscope:
June 11-17, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…

Stories from Falco
- second part

Did you like the first part of "The Story of the Ant?" If the answer is yes,…

Stories from Falco
- first part

Falco Tarassaco was a visionary, an eclectic artist, an unparalleled source of…

Why is there an Alchemy School?

Alchemy, like magic, is an ancient forgotten science that, in antiquity, made…

Synchronic Horoscope:
June 4-10, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…

Astrology Forecast June 2017

Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for June 2017 1)The energy…

Two Damanhurians in Perù

Macaco and Inti are a unique Damanhurian couple. Inti is a Peruvian architect.…

The Joy of Compost Toilets

Capriolo is a young damanhurian citizen who…

Synchronic Horoscope:
28 May - 3 June 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your…