At Damanhur we welcome the popoli of the world to share their spiritual traditions as well as their art forms. We have recently given space to the artist kirilola, who expresses Japanese and Jōmon culture, to perform a sound and movement session in the Hall of the Earth of the Temples of Humankind, together with Damanhurian musicians and dancers.
kirilola expresses herself “with the sound of the spirit by the power of the soul existing all around nature.“ Before beginning to sing in the Temples, she took ample time to connect with the subtle energies through silence, breath and slow circular movements around the center of the hall. When she did begin to use her voice, it felt etheric and shamanic, calling forth a frequency of birdsong mixed with ancient temple chanting that resonated within the rounded walls of the Hall of the Earth. Watch the video below for kirilola’s fascinating dance between human and nature spirit.