Oracle for Damanhur, September 15, 2016
15 September 2016
The Oracle of September is dedicated to our wish and our will, to be present within ourselves for the others and the world.
Art in the Aminè Program
12 September 2016
Being an artist means living with dedication and creative spirit, envisioning and opening new perspective.
Therefore everyone in Damanhur is considered an artist.
Japanise Artist kirilola sound session
26 August 2016
At Damanhur we welcome the popoli of the world to share their spiritual traditions as well as their art forms. We have recently given space to the artist kirilola, who expresses Japanese and Jōmon culture, to perform a sound and movement session in the Hall of the Earth of the Temples of Humankind, together with Damanhurian musicians and dancers.
The Popoli of the World
20 August 2016
At Damanhur we have been welcoming representatives of indigenous peoples, the Popoli of the planet to come and share their culture and spiritual traditions with us. We consider the Popoli to be the custodians of our relationship with the planet, and through their presence and knowledge, we may honor the diversity of humankind and find solutions for our future.
The many faces of Damanhur
16 August 2016
Being part of the Popolo Spirituale of Damanhur means being enriched by the diversity of all the people we are connected with. The diversity of ethnicity and language, talents and skills, personalities and characteristics, stages of life and stories.
Happy and busy in the Sacred Woods
26 July 2016
If I had to describe a "typical" Damanhurian, it would be quite difficult since we are talking about a community of individualists where diversity is a fundamental value. Maybe I would describe him or her as a happy person... happy and busy.
Oracle message July 19, 2016
19 July 2016
The Oracle of July is dedicated to Gratitude for all the abundance and richness that comes from nature and that pours forth to all of us.
Italian Ecovillage Network gathering in Vidracco
16 July 2016
The Italian Ecovillage Network (Rete Italiana Villaggi Ecologici - RIVE) holds a summer gathering every year, and at the end of July it will be hosted in the town of Vidracco, Italy with the collaboration of Damanhur.
Performance Alchemy
8 July 2016
The summer heat is rising and so is the creative fire of our artists as we enter into high season for music, dance and theatre performances in Damanhur.
Oracle message June 20, 2016
20 June 2016
The Oracle ritual of June 2016 marks the three year anniversary of Falco's death. This Oracle is dedicated to him and the wish of the Popolo that his Consciousness may continue his mission for the world.
The Art of Living together
14 June 2016
We recently shared 10 reasons to come for Ecovillage Design Education at Damanhur August 6 to September 3...
The birth of the Temples of Humankind
13 June 2016
For a while we had been asking Falco to start building the Temples of Humankind. He always replied with a smile that it was not the right time yet. Meanwhile, we had purchased an old house on a hill that overlooked the town of Vidracco...
10 reasons to come for Ecovillage Design Education
11 June 2016
It's becoming ever clearer that a different way of life is necessary, to survive as a human species and as a planet. Solutions are needed for community, consciousness, sustainability and new economy. The month-long Ecovillage Design Education course...
Nassim Haramein bridging spirituality and science
8 June 2016
This is why we invited the well-known researcher Nassim Haramein to Damanhur. He is the founder and research director of the Resonance Project Foundation, leading a teams of physicists, mathematicians and other scientists...
Energy fields and frequencies in Damanhur
5 June 2016
The sites of Damanhur have energy fields and frequencies that are generally beyond the normal range and are also unreachable by "energetic smog," which makes them ideal for healing, meditation and relaxation, rituals and spiritual experiences.
Senegal: from Dakar to Guede Chantier
26 May 2016
The landscape became more and more semi-desert and we finally arrived to Guédé Chantier, where there were about two hundred people waiting for us with a welcome ceremony while it was more than 38°C.
Oracle message May 22, 2016
22 May 2016
The Oracle of May is dedicated to Falco Tarassaco in the Popolo and the Popolo of Damanhur.
Ambient jazz with an orchid
20 May 2016
A few months ago four young musicians from Copenhagen, Denmark played a concert at the Body Mind and Spirit Fair in the Falconer Center of the city of Frederiksberg.
Fear of death and passion for life
12 May 2016
One of the most touching experiences was a meditation on death and dying with Puma Mandarino. It impacted me because I recognized that here, people feel safe to explore, they are encouraged.
Animal Communication Chronicles#3: Fringuello Papiro
7 May 2016
{:it}La nostra cultura spesso ci insegna che noi siamo superiori degli animali, mentre stando con loro si può capire che anche loro sono esseri consapevoli. Sembra che abbiano un modo di vivere molto distante da noi, ed è vero che hanno altri sensi che sono differenti dai nostri, ma ci capiscono benissimo.{:}
RefuGEN clothing aid
28 April 2016
We would like to turn our attention once again to what is happening in Greece, to the rivers of refugees arriving daily in search of a future, without finding suitable accommodations, and what the world of ecovillages is doing regarding the situation with the RefuGEN project.
Oracle message April 21, 2016
21 April 2016
The Oracle of April is dedicated to Spir, to the spirals, to the allied peoples, human and non, to all the beings who collaborate with us, to the plan of liberation for humankind.
We Do Happiness
14 April 2016
Damanhur was recently present at the "I Do Happiness" event for the International Day of Happiness, with the presence of many world ambassadors and leaders.
Damanhurians at home
12 April 2016
You have heard of Damanhur. You have seen the website and maybe a documentary about us. You may have even come to visit our communities, centers and Temples.
Animal Communication Chronicles #2: Lemming Cactus
9 April 2016
After our first interview with Gorilla Eucalipto, we continue our exploration of the fascinating world of animal communication with Lemming Cactus.
Sister community in Senegal
7 April 2016
In this article and the following ones I want to tell about a trip to Senegal with Pellicano Altea in order to hold a workshop about food transformation in the Eco-Comune of Guedè Chantier.
Springtime birthing in community
28 March 2016
It’s Spring Equinox time and the rebirth of nature is in the air. I feel the heat of the earth rising, the colors blooming, the light in the sky and the eyes shining.
Oracle message March 23, 2016
23 March 2016
The Oracle of March is dedicated to the pleasure of realizing individual dreams directed and inserted into the mission of the Popolo.
New Damanhur ebooks
17 March 2016
A selection of five Damanhur books are now available in ebook format for Kindle, Nook, iPad, Google Play, Kobo and BookShout! You can download from your preferred website.
Finding God in the zucchini patch
5 March 2016
Leone Bagolaro a young farmer raised in Damanhur shares his love of the earth and deep connection with spirit through his agricultural work, with a vision of creating a new world.