Utopia Inc
25 May 2017
Alexa Clay, co-author of TheMisfit Economy, examines the question: Why do intentional communities fail?
It's a question that we ask ourselves at Damanhur very often. You may bewondering, why hasn't Damanhur failed? The answer can be summed up in the statement: We are practical idealists who constantly change things.
Color codes
23 May 2017
This week as I was looking at the images in the Temples of Humankind, I was struck by the colors in the clothes, objects, jewelry and food of the peoples of the world. I thought about how colors speak, how every culture has a different code for using color as communication, with associations and meanings that make it so that a carpet or a scarf becomes poetry without words.
Oracle for Damanhur, May 2017
18 May 2017
The Oracle of May 2017 is dedicated to the feminine in every human being. May our feminine energy nourish our thoughts and actions and guide us towards a higher connection with all beings and dimensions.
What does “Art of the Popolo mean in Damanhur?
18 May 2017
It's impossible to visit Damanhur and not realize how art is a fundamental value in the life of Damanhurians!
It's everywhere, in the larger communities and the smaller ones as well. There are paintings on the exterior walls of houses. There are mosaics and statues, and often the gaze is attracted by ...
Does the Woods know that it is a Temple?
16 May 2017
Do you think it is aware of it? Above all, does it consider itself as a single entity, or is every plant, every blade of grass, every glade its own life form?
The messages that it sends us through dreams and intuitions that come through the labyrinths and spirals, demonstrate every day that the woods has a clear awareness of the totality of its own soul...
What does “orienting trees” mean?
11 May 2017
In Damanhur it often happens that you hear strange, sometimes incomprehensible terms. One of these terms is tree "orientation", is a project with the intention of reactivating the deep connection between trees and human beings, to recuperate the ancient alliance that united these very different species.
Popolo Spirituale
(Spiritual Popolo)
9 May 2017
The Popolo Spirituale comes forth from the deep sentiment of being able to share our spiritual ideals, weaving connections among souls from different cultures and geographic areas.
Through trust and mutual support, this feeling of union may grow every day, weaving a story line made from threads of love, which is strongly perceived by the people. Thanks to these threads, each one of us works with constancy to reach a profound inner transformation that can bring humankind to a reawakening.
What does community mean to you?
3 May 2017
In our lives we participate in many different kinds of communities. The first is the one we are born into, the family in which we receive an imprinting that colors our entire lives. Another reality that has a great impact on our lives is the one we encounter during the years of education and work. If the conditions exist for it, we also share with others in our neighborhood and the country where we live, although there are ever fewer meaningful exchanges in social gatherings in cities.
Six years of deeply inspiring EDEs
3 May 2017
This year in August we will be holding the seventh edition of the Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) course in Damanhur, certified by Gaia Education.
The EDE is a curriculum that covers four areas of sustainability: social, ecology, economy and world view, offering a wide spectrum of practical applications and innovative tools that have been developed and tested in ecovillages, communities, and transition movements in urban areas around the world.The group becomes like a kind of being in and of itself who lives and is nurtured by the individuals. This is why the whole group is so strongly influenced by the relationships that are created among the people.
Falco Tarassaco and his message
28 April 2017
From the early years of his teachings until his passing, Falco always invited us to look inward to discover our divine nature, to explore the world and life through it. What does "divine nature" mean? It means that the entire universe is pervaded by a unique, cohesive intelligence that is conscious of itself, which takes on animal, plant, mineral, spiritual, temporal forms and characteristics... and being part of this energy means being part of the All, and in turn, being divine ourselves. Realizing this is the first step!
Why I came to Damanhur: Crotalo Sesamo
25 April 2017
There are an infinite number of reasons to explain what has motivated us to take on a spiritual path, deciding to participate in a community like Damanhur.Crotalo Sesamo, School of Meditation Instructor and Damanhur Ambassador in the United States, tells us about his personal adventure.
A typical day
22 April 2017
When journalists and university scholars come and decide to study Damanhur from a sociological or anthropological point of view, the first question they ask is almost always the same: What is a typical day for a Damanhurian? It's too bad that we can't meet their expectations, but there is no typical day...
How does Music of the Plants work?
21 April 2017
It all started with a question that the founders of Damanhur asked over 40 years ago, "What if plants could interact in a sentient way with the environment, and also with human beings? What if it were possible to communicate with them, perhaps through emotions transmitted through music?"
Oracle for Damanhur, April 2017
14 April 2017
May the Oracle sustain Spir and all the families of Spirals, our Allies in different forms and dimensions, the Antenna Trees and Plant Kingdom and the Nature Spirits. May the awakening of the Goddess be sound and solid in our hearts and in the world.
The -not- way to perfection
13 April 2017
The concept of sustainability in Damanhur encompasses many aspects of life, so in addition to investing in renewable energy, green building and organic agriculture, we especially invest in the education of our children.What you can find in Damanhur are many people engaged in realizing the dream of a better world, and so a more sustainable world. We do our best to instill in everyone the awareness that we are profoundly united, connected with every element of life that surrounds us, on material and spiritual planes.
The Sami shaman’s visit to Damanhur
11 April 2017
Robert A VarsGaup, shaman of the Sami people, was invited to Damanhur to share his wisdom and transmit it through the Synchronic Lines, the great rivers of the energy of the world. He lit a sacred fire and called his ancestors, the spirits connected with them and the forces of the north wind. He did this while walking in the spiral where representatives of indigenous peoples are invited to deposit their knowledge and values, so they may be preserved and amplified through the Temples of Humankind.
Why I came to Damanhur: Rinoceronte Giuggiolo
4 April 2017
The reasons to why we decide to part on a spiritual journey and join a community like Damanhur are endless. It can be out of curiosity, need, practical reasons, or just a sense of being called; and without knowing what's to come we decide to throw ourselves out there and have faith.
Damanhur Stands with Standing Rock
3 April 2017
For the last months the indigenous Sioux Tribe in North Dakota has been fighting against the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline - a pipeline that will bring oil under the river that supplies the tribe with clean water. If there would be an oil spill, the tribe will loose the water source.
Portraits of Extraordinary People: Cobra Alloro
30 March 2017
Cobra Alloro was young man, 22 years old, when he came to live in Damanhur about 40 years ago. His name was Teodoro Simone at the time...
Kristen discovers Damanhur and the Temples
21 March 2017
Kristen Sarah is a young vlogger who is full of life and has an irresistible smile.
Together with her colleagues Louis, Nadine, Josh and Siya, she came to Damanhur to make videos of her experience and publish them on her YouTube channel , and on her travel and lifestyle website Hopscotch the Globe.
Future mothers and Diamantel
16 March 2017
The magical atmosphere that can be felt in the Sacred Woods Temple is not only pleasing to feel, it also has many functions. One of these is connected with childbirth.
Oracle for Damanhur, March 12, 2017
15 March 2017
This Oracle is dedicated to the reawakening of the feminine energy in every creature of our planet.
The gift of Love
14 March 2017
Falco Tarassaco was the founder of Damanhur and a great source of inspiration and light for everyone who met him, and he had a very distinct view on love. We want to share one of his poems about Love with you. Hopefully it will serve as a stimulus to see love in a different way.
The light wins over the dark
11 March 2017
This song is inspired by a sacred Damanhurian song and celebrates the light winning over the dark...
Exploring Damanhur with young Nadine
9 March 2017
Here is a video from Nadine, who is also part of the group of young vloggers who visited Damanhur a few days ago.
Creating the stairs
7 March 2017
Exactly one year ago, we started our very first Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to renovate the Open Temple floor...
The Open Temple: Watch the First Step of the Restoration
7 March 2017
Watch the result of last springs Indiegogo campaign for the Open Tempel; the first step of the floor and the first statue put in place.
Damanhur 360°
6 March 2017
If you want to visit Damanhur, this 360 degree video is a truly original way to do so while staying at home ;)
Oracle for Damanhur, February 12, 2017
16 February 2017
The Oracle of February invites each one of us to live every daily action with full responsibility in order to help the world change.
Cooperation Damanhur-Senegal: support for Guede Chantier
8 February 2017
Damanhur has a sister community relationship with Guede Chantier, an eco-village in Senegal. This relationship has existed since 2014, when Ousmane Ali Pame, a university professor in Dakar and then mayor of Guede, came to visit Damanhur with Hamet Thiam, head of agricultural development throughout the region in Senegal.
Since then we have taken action to honor this sister community relationship, and in 2016 two Damanhurians went to Guede with the objective of sharing with the women of the village our experience in food conservation.