How we started excavating the Temples of Humankind

Condor Girasole is one of the founders of Damanhur. With Falco Tarassaco and a few others, he was one of the first ones to give life to the dream called Damanhur.

In the 1970s when he was 26 to 27 years old, Condor was looking for a spiritual path, and he had already prepared his suitcase to go to India, thinking that the West couldn't really offer something meaningful from this perspective.

Game, art and homemade craft

For us, sustainability is not only producing food organically and locally and using renewable energy, it's also creating local culture as well. On Sunday afternoon, we had an event at Damjl that showcased the best of our creations, as well as pure Damanhurian culture: a community exchange marketplace and the kickoff of the "Horusiadi" Games.

Oracle for Damanhur, August 2017

May the Oracle propitiate the new year and open minds and heard to the rebirth of oneself, the popolo (people) and peoples of the world toward new goals.

Mystic messages from the Oracle

Ancient cultures and spiritual traditions all over the world regard the monthly full moon as a sacred time to connect with the divine and the rhythms of the universe. In Damanhur this is no exception. As you may know, we have a full moon Oracle ritual that is held at the Open Temple amphitheater in Damjl. This ritual has been carried out uninterrupted every full moon since 1985.

Damanhurian Risk: getting to know your true inner strength

A huge three by five meter map of an imaginary world on the wall, with lands and seas, national boundaries, tiny colourful ships, settlements and armies sculpted from modelling clay, and hundreds of mysterious numbers written on the board...

Falco Tarassaco:
How do our Past Lives affect our Present?

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated weekly meetings to all the guests in Damanhur to deepen the exploration of various themes.

Here he responds to a question about how past lives, and the awareness of our past lives affect our present life.

A Ballad to unite

How much patience, how much passion is needed to create a Ballad that brings together almost 90 people! Is it madness? Yes, it's this too, but what satisfaction there will be when...

Food self-sufficiency: how was it in the past?

Those who visit Damanhur today and go to eat in one of the community houses will definitely find some produce from the vegetable garden of the house, as well as produce that comes from Porta della Terra, the farm where many varieties of vegetables and grains are cultivated, cattle is raised, and there are nearly 80 families of bees, and where there is the Erbaluce grape harvest.

Extraordinary People: Isbjörn
Wood art transformation

The objects that are born from our hands contain all the attention and passion we put into them while making them. It is in that moment that things stop being only matter and they become alive...

Welcoming a new life

Birth is an extraordinary event and all parents want to support it in the best way. What happens in Damanhur when a couple is expecting a baby? Many things...

Falco Tarassaco:
How to Distinguish Ego from our true Essence

Falco Tarassaco answers a question about the Ego, explaining how we can distinguish the Ego from our true essence.

What does it mean to be young?

If you don't think that it is only time passing that determines old age, but rather the inability to change, to be flexible and to go with the flow of the novelties that life brings, we agree with you.

Oracle for Damanhur, July 2017

The Oracle of the month of July is dedicated to the awareness and connection between all peoples.

How do we deal with conflicts?

Conflicts arise not only among those who do not know each other, but also among those who love each other and have decided to share their lives together.
Even in Damanhur there are conflicts, seeing as how we are normal people and, for the moment, not yet enlightened (but only for a little while longer!)

The chaos of Damanhurian life

Those who come to visit Damanhur for the first time often have the sensation of entering into an anthill where everyone runs around busy - and this is no different than any other place.

Today – and in a year – married!

Yes, it's really like this. In Damanhur we get married every year. Are we crazy? Nooo! Or maybe a little bit, but it works!...

Damanhurian face painting

Damanhur is a young Popolo (people) with only 42 years of history, but we have big dreams overflowing from all of our drawers! When we had a spark of awareness that we wanted to be and become a Popolo - a true Popolo with our own art, culture and tradition - we were overwhelmed by the greatness of that dream. It was a big challenge, starting from scratch in identifying the style to represent our values ​​in all of our paintings, sculptures, music, theatre, clothing, etc.

The sense of desire

To find ourselves, and to ignite the energy within us that leads to new discoveries, we need to know how to desire. In the spiritual field, desire is the true engine for change...

We need to know how to do things, take action and transform ourselves, not only because it is important, just, and necessary. We need to learn to desire it a little at a time. Let's look at an example...

Falco Tarassaco:
The magical properties of Light

Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated weekly meetings to all the guests in Damanhur to deepen the exploration of various themes. In this video, the second of a series, we hear his answers to questions about the magical properties of light...

The way of rebellion

There is a difference between being a rebel and being undisciplined, even though the two terms are often associated with each other. Certainly if you asked, very few people would say that they want to be conformists and over-structured. On the other hand, who does not want to affirm their position in relation to other people and things?

Concert with a bush and a piano

During a windy afternoon in the magic of the Sacred Woods Temple, I had the fortune of witnessing a concert with a bush and Renato on the piano, who accompanied the notes of the plants with delicacy and mastery.

Falco Tarassaco: advice for new communities

Falco Tarassaco, the founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, dedicated a weekly meeting to all guests in Damanhur to answer their questions...

Oracle for Damanhur, June 2017

The Oracle of the month of June is dedicated to the completion of the awakening of the feminine within every human being, for the whole of humanity.

Stories from Falco
– second part

...All this knowledge, all these rituals and seemingly meaningless dances were kept hidden and cultivated in secret. With the art of fire, they discovered over time that some pebbles melted when the fire was very large, and they gave rise to metals...

Stories from Falco
– first part

Falco Tarassaco was a visionary, an eclectic artist, an unparalleled source of inspiration. He said that he came from the future to build a better future, and he devoted his entire life to this purpose (and now it continues on another plane). He laughed at those who...

Why is there an Alchemy School?

Alchemy, like magic, is an ancient forgotten science that, in antiquity, made it possible to access the great potentialities offered by life in all its manifestations. The alchemy is...

Two Damanhurians in Perù

Macaco and Inti are a unique Damanhurian couple. Inti is a Peruvian architect. Macaco is a German jazz singer, as well as the President of Damanhur Education and the Damanhur representative within GEN Europe. Macaco tells with emotion that...

The Joy of Compost Toilets

Capriolo is a young damanhurian citizen who with his love for the environment and natural building has created his own compost toilet. Now he shares what he gained from it and how you can build your own!