What the doctors never told you about disease

What does it truly mean to be healthy? Over the past decade this topic has gained a lot of attention since disease is flourishing in the western world, despite the richness of choice and comfortable lives we live. Back in the days, disease was thought of as something that was out of our control, but many are now becoming aware of that in a large way we have the power over our own health.

5 ways how Prana Therapy will change your life

Prana therapy and the knowledge of Prana energy is as ancient as humankind itself. It’s a technique that uses the vital energy that flows though all life through breathing. Learning how to produce and to get in contact with this energy can have a profound effect on our lives.

Eighth Quest:
Love and the irreversible choice of the ideal

The Eighth Quest transports us into a new spiral and a new power of transformation of oneself in virtue of others, of Love, of a collective dream to be handed down, of a widening of one's horizons to awaken one's inner divinity. The level of transformation spoken of is not only related to the modification of one's individual aspects, such as habits, but here, the root or the matrix at the base of the transformation is more "impersonal", connected to wider and transcendent values.

An International heartbeat

One of the things that fascinates me most about Damanhur is its "internationality", or rather, the chance to meet many people from many different cultures...

Seventh Quest: Adaptability

The 7th Quest opens to a new vision: to accept the uncertainty that arises from the understanding of our limited ability to perceive life in its essence. "Everything is as it is not, or ... nothing is as it seems", quotes the text of the Seventh Quest.

Exploring the world of dreams

Every night we enter an unknown world, the physical dimension slips away and we begin to receive images, emotions and scenarios. We rarely question ourselves about this phenomenon, but when we do, an entire and unexpected world opens up before us...

Sixth Quest: Union generates life

The Sixth Quest is the integration of the 4th and 5th Quests. Within every human being, the female and male components respond to the same path of growth: for this reason the contents of the 4th and 5th Quests, also referring to the two different genres, become the 6th Quest, with common characteristics of both.

After Falco Tarassaco

Many people ask us what is the formula that makes Damanhur exist and continue to grow even after the death of Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, given the high percentage of communities that do not survive the departure of their founders.

A little confused, but happy!

How much potential is contained within us? A lot! Not only referable to the essence of our soul, which carries within itself a divine spark linked to our origin, but also to the different personalities of which we are composed, and which represent a sample of characters, experiences and really colorful talents! Instead of thinking that having more personalities within ourselves represents a problem, or worse still an illness, in Damanhur we think it is a unique resource that we can draw on to live a happier and more complete life.

Eight personalities, all within me!

Being myself has always been complicated, even since I was a child. One day I felt romantic and feminine, another I detested anything feminine and threw away everything girly that I had in my closet (not that being a woman means wearing pink clothes, but when I was seven years old I was firmly convinced). On the one hand I detested violence and on the other hand I was constantly fighting with the bullies, almost always males. In adolescence, the confusion increased, I became more infatuated and at the same time I changed my mind often, usually with embarrassing consequences. In short, it was a real mess...

2nd Oracle of January 2018

We dedicate the second Oracle of January to the separation of Planes for the salvation of humanity and the Vajne project.

Falco Tarassaco:
Why is Alchemy so important?

Falco Tarassaco answers the question about why alchemy is so important and what could be the consequences if...

Fifth Quest: Masculine

The Fifth Quest is related to the male component of every human being. The next step in the stabilization referred to in the Fourth Quest is... the mutation! In fact, when the transformation of parts of oneself is stabilized, the time comes to change again, that is to make a harmonic inner revolution that changes the overall frequency of the individual.

Fourth Quest: The Feminine

The 4th Quest refers to the female part, present in each individual, and affirms the value of stabilization, that is to say of acquiring and asserting the changes occurred in the transformation process proposed by the previous Quests.

The Magic of the Hall of Spheres

When people enter the Hall of the Spheres they are almost at the end of their guided journey in the Temples of Humankind.
Usually we stop for a moment in front of the front door to warn everyone to be careful not to touch the spheres, and to say that we are entering the heart of the Temples.

Third Quest: Transformation

Transformation is the basic value of the 3rd Quest. The transformation referred to in this Quest concerns both the actions themselves and the individual: the former is transformed because together with the unfolding of time the conditions also change, and to maintain consistency with the initial choices, the same actions change physiologically.

Out of the Box

The first day I arrived in Damanhur, in 1983, among the first Damanhurians I met was Tacchino Noce (Tachino means Turkey in Italian). I remember that my companion presented him to me because, as he had just returned from the journey, he could have explained something more about the Game of Life...

The Game of Life

When Damanhur was well organized in 1983 and everything seemed to be going smoothly, Falco Tarassaco decided to make a radical change in the life of the community. Why?
Because if you have the courage to change when everything is going well you also have enough energy to transform things for the better, and you can experience change not as a remedy, but as a strategy to grow.

Second Quest: Continuity

The second Quest therefore affirms the continuity in acting consistently with respect to the initial choice. Continuity is the very engine of action that makes our presence solid over time...

Oracle for Damanhur, January 2018

The Oracle of December is dedicated to the protection for all the Synchronic Lines of the planet so that they can be free and clean for all of humanity.

Secret Jokes

Psst ... Today I will share a secret with you! There is a Damanhurian tradition, not so visible to most people, which consists of playing pranks or jokes on each other. Obviously to live in community one needs a great sense of humor. Otherwise cohabitation, considering it is not always easy, will not last long at all!

First Quest: Action

Quests are dynamic formulas that can be used in meditation and in daily life. Their formulation is the result of the collective conquests of Damanhur, but each person can interpret them according to their own talents and characteristics.
The first quest speaks of action.

A non conventional New Year’s Eve

New Year's Eve is not a real New Year's Eve without some specific ingredients, in my opinion. Otherwise the new year can not start! I grew up in the Austrian Alps and from an early age I was used to celebrating wearing elegant clothes, at midnight where we would dance a waltz and then leave the house to see the fireworks in the valley. My imprinting was: elegant clothes (uncomfortable), snow (that is cold, very cold) and fireworks. So a good year started!