The Beginning (Part 1)

After nearly twenty-four hours of travel from Seattle, I have arrived. The taxi pulls into the parking lot of Damjl, the capital and welcoming center of Damanhur.

Update on the New Life project

For over a year now, thanks to the New Life "temporary citizenship" project, Damanhur continues to welcome people from all over the world who have chosen to come and have this experience with us.

Some Guidelines for New Life at Damanhur

Ann Marie shares with us her experience: During my time as a New Lifer, I wrote some guidelines for myself to keep perspective on this amazing journey. I hope they might be useful to others who are now embarking as New Life citizens of Damanhur.

A Slice of New Life – Living as a Temporary Citizen

In March this year, I had no idea that by April I’d be living in a spiritual community in northern Italy...

Manitonquat, co-founder of the Tribal-Healing in Damanhur

Manitonquat is a ceremonial medicine man, storyteller and keeper of native lore in the Wampanoag Nation. He is the co-founder of the Tribal-Healing Council and...

The journey and the destination: Damanhur

My name is Quaglia, which means quail in Italian. I live in Damanhur, Italy as a full time resident “A” citizen.

Patch Adams in Damanhur

Patch Adams, the American doctor, clown and activist came to visit Damanhur June 21 - 22, 2010. He participated...

IUCN: President Ashok Khosla talks about Damanhur

Ashok Khosla, President of the International Union for the Protection of Nature (IUCN), talks about Damanhur.

Artist and opera singer David Pearl in Damanhur

"For me Damanhur is a constant inspiration. Damanhur is the example of how art can be used right in the midst of society to bring life to everything"

Cesnur scholar and university professor Luigi Berzano, experiencing Damanhur

Luigi Berzano, Cesnur scholar and university professor in Turin shares his experience of Damanhur.

Alex Grey and Allyson Grey on Damanhur

Alex and Allyson Grey, New York based visionary artists and creators of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, share their experience about Damanhur.

Sociologist and author Paul Ray about Damanhur

"What I find interesting about Damanhur and very attractive is the blending of practical experimentation with new social forms in an intentional community, with spirituality. The issue of our time is really, how can we tryout new approaches of community that will actually work and spread through out the planet. "

Ervin Laszlo, scientist, philosopher, founder of the Club of Budapest, about Damanhur

Ervin Laszlo, scientist, philosopher, founder of the Club of Budapest, speaks about Damanhur.