Does thinking positively do you good?

...The secret is that being optimistic and positive is a choice, not a consequence of events. In fact...

Stories of Damanhurians: Aythya Pimpinella

The videos of the damanhurian citizens are intimate glimpses of the lives of people who have dedicated their lives to the dream of Damanhur.

How to create quality relationships

...a true relationship, is one in which people make their feelings, their energy and their experience available to each other to allow the growth of both parties. A quality relationship is...

Falling in love with water

...I can still vividly remember the sensation of dizziness I felt in my body from the immense energy that was present there...

Tó Neinilii and wise madness

...his function is to approve of what he sees and hears from the people. If his impressions are positive, he is likely to play fewer jokes and send the rain in a harmonious way...

Yes!And… with David Pearl

Yes!And… is a series of interviews with some of the guests that visit Damanhur, to share their stories and inspire us to build a more awakened world, together.
The guest in this episode is David Pearl, “A Corporate Creativity Maestro”, Innovator in Business, the Arts and Social Change.

A community in Spain

...Today, however, the common desire is that Damanhur can expand even far away, giving life to new community experiences, which develop the...

Temporal civilizations

...a personal reflection: to which of the great, ancient human families do I belong? In which periods of history, known or not, did I live?

Oracle of February 2019

This ritual is dedicated to all the Peoples united, may the union be a light for the whole planet.

Falco Tarassaco:
Falco’s answer on giving advices

Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he is asked to give an advise, see his response on giving advises.

Does positive money exist?

Making the world more equitable, the dream of every spiritual researcher, also goes through the realization of more than just economic systems, directed towards collective wealth.

Stories of Damanhurians: Pangolino Tulipano

The videos of the damanhurian citizens are intimate glimpses of the lives of people who have dedicated their lives to the dream of Damanhur. This is Pangolino Tulipano, a damanhurian artist who paints in the Temples of Humankind.

Change the myth,
change the world

It is interesting to note that the creation of the myths was the natural reaction of men to the challenges of life, as if the...

Yes!And… with Cynthia James

This episode is with Cynthia James, International speaker, transformational coach and bestselling author who helps women step into their full potential.

Reawakening the Feminine

How can we learn something from ancient myths to help us in this day and age, when all the major paradigms keep changing so much and so fast?

Sif, the Goddess
with the Hair of Gold

If today's world is based on separation, it is because there is fear, and fear is the result of insecurity, of the worry of not being able to cope with everything that happens. Sif sends us a message of trust and wise confidence, in ourselves and others.

The speed of the trees

...We firmly believe two things: the first, is that the trees and the plant creatures in the their complexities are not only...

Falco Tarassaco:
How does thought influence the physical world?

Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question about how thought influences the physical world.

I wake up and dream!

As often happens for the activities of the human being that are considered "border line" today, the dream world has been very present in the culture of peoples of the past. The most attentive dreamers of whom we have traced are probably the...

The Temples told by:
David Pearl

In this series we invite people who come to Damanhur to talk about their own experience of visiting the Temples of Humankind. In this video David Pearl, experience engineer and author talks about the Temples and the importance of a new story for humanity.

Oracle of January 2019

Love and sweetness help to complete what is needed to make the alchemy of the Epagomenoi dense in a process of true transformation.

Why are epagomenal days so important?

An ancient Egyptian myth tells that in order for Nut to give birth to Osiris, Thoth added additional days to the solar calendar...

Androgyny: an ideal

Androgyny means for every man to awaken his feminine part and for every woman to awaken her masculine part.

Falco Tarassaco:
Where do you think the current economic crisis will lead?

Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
Here he answers to a question about what he things will happen with society seeing the economic crisis in the world.

Yes!And… with Oleg Cherne

The guest in this episode is Oleg Cherne, aka Ben Chelero, aka Chom: many names for his many personalities and roles. Oleg is a Tao master, a spiritual teacher, an explorer, a...

A connection among humans and divine beings

Jimmu Tenno is a hero who becomes human, a divine descendant who, once he realized the task that was assigned to him, gave space to his human side, which called him to the duty of governing the kingdom that he has built.

A Myth whispering answers

Jimmu Tenno shows us that in its primordial meaning, politics is divine. It is the capacity to translate spiritual concepts into a way of living.

Art is always sacred

What are the moments in which I am an artist, in which I express my talents and connect them to the energy that surrounds us?

Falco, do you have a plant name?

Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question about if he has a plant name like the other damanhurians, and what the importance of a name is.

How much of Falco is in Damanhur

... How many things have we created that depend on us and that others can not develop on their own?