Astrology Forecast:
April 2020
30 March 2020
Mercurio in Pesci, l'11 entra in Ariete, il 27 in Toro.
Venere in Toro, il 3 entra in Gemelli.
Marte in Acquario.
Giove e Plutone in Capricorno...
The Temples of Humankind and Beethoven
24 March 2020
Most of what we can hear and read about now is the pandemic. It is certainly super important to keep informed, and we also know how inspiring stories help us feel good and support a healthy immune system :-)
So, we commit to sharing content that inspires us, so that when we can finally walk freely under the sun, we will have new ideas and maybe a new worldview.
Here is a recent story that talks about the connection between Beethoven and the Temples of Humankind. Interested in discovering it? Keep on reading... :)
How we face this crisis
19 March 2020
We love community life and we believe that one of the secrets of personal growth and the approach to happiness is precisely the sharing of space and time. Mixing our characteristics and habits, learning through comparison, and sometimes even conflict, helps to form antibodies inside each of us that may allow us to heal spiritual diseases. For the same reason, we love to receive guests in our territories, made sacred through the temples that we built together with Falco Tarassaco, and all the people who wish to spend a period of time with us...
Oracle of March 2020
12 March 2020
The Oracle of March is dedicated to the Goddess and the feminine within each one of us. May feminine wisdom be strong and manifest in every human being, especially in this moment of pandemic.
Raising our immune defenses
in a community
12 March 2020
In Damanhur, every crisis is seen as an opportunity, including that of the current Covid19 epidemic. Crises move our habits and also our way of thinking. We consider it useful to take the flywheel of the crisis and guide it where we want it to go, and not wherever it may take us.
When the body experiments
3 March 2020
In Falco Tarassaco's vision, the body is the temple of the soul. Without it, we would have no meaning and would end up being a kind of...
Astrology Forecast:
March 2020
3 March 2020
Mercury is retrograde in Pisces and returns to Aquarius on the 4th, then returns Direct on the 10th and back to Pisces on the 16th.
Venus is in Aries and enters Taurus on the 5th...
If the world gets sick
1 March 2020
Worldwide attention is directed towards the coronavirus epidemic. The emergency, which started from China, spread first to Asia, then to Africa and Europe and today represents a threat to the entire planet.
As often in these situations, knowing the real size of the spread of the virus is difficult, given...
Pachamama, the goddess present in everyone’s heart
26 February 2020
Pachamama - or Pacha Mama - means "mother of space and time," identified with Mother Earth. She is a generous goddess who presides over fertility and agriculture. She is the mother who gives life, nourishing and comforting her children. She is good and loving, although she calls for respect and can become...
Spiritual technology
for the Third Millennium
25 February 2020
The human being understood the power of light on metals when he discovered the effect of heat on rocks. That discovery changed the course of history and the evolution of our species itself, giving rise to metallurgy.
It was then that we began to use the fire, the furnace and the forge, and it was then that metals became the cause and...
Do sins exist?
18 February 2020
Often the deepest teachings, which may also be the simplest, are hidden behind the complicated and somewhat abstruse formulas of the great religions...
Oracle of February 2020
15 February 2020
The Oracle of February is dedicated to the preservation of the planet and life in all its forms, that the awareness of the value of life will grow in every human being. To our ancestors, fellow travelers, Teacher and brothers/sisters who are still active interlocutors and helpers of the Mission of Damanhur for humanity.
The Temples
told by
Julie Piatt
13 February 2020
Julie Piatt — who also uses the spiritual name of Srimati — is a spiritual guide, a healer, a vegan chef, a best selling author, and a star podcaster. Srimati is also singer-songwriter with a spiritual and healing focus, and a story behind her songs...
Ecovillage Design Education:
Training for Sustainability in Italy
11 February 2020
The Ecovillage Design Education is born out of the experiences of long-existing communities and cutting edge educators. The goal is to teach how to create a new way of living which brings together the four key dimensions of sustainability...
The seventh heaven
11 February 2020
You have often heard, or perhaps even said yourself: Today I am in seventh heaven!
But have you ever wondered what it means?
In an ancient religious interpretation, it is the celestial vault, the seat of the divinity, consisted of nine concentric material spheres, with the Earth at their center. The first seven took their name from...
Ullr, the God who illuminates darkness
5 February 2020
Today, Uller is a subverter of dark situations, and from another point of view, he is a scout who teaches us to find the way, even when there seems to be no way. Even when we find ourselves in darkness, when there should be light. Uller, who is both order and the strength of light, gives us the capacity to clearly see a path that we would not see otherwise...
Astrology Forecast:
February 2020
3 February 2020
The Sun is in Aquarius, and enters in Pisces on the 19th.
Mercury is currently in Aquarius, and enters in Pisces the 3rd, on the 17th it becomes Retrograde.
Venus in Pisces, and enters in Aries the 7th.
Mars is in Sagittarius, and enters in Capricorn on the 16th.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto....
The network of freedom
28 January 2020
Spiritual freedom is one of the greatest demands in our time. The world today often thinks through large organizations, which it considers capable of representing and protecting the people who turn to them, and at the same time considers the smallest realities as bizarre, little, insignificant experiments. In the spiritual realm, there are traditional religions that represent the reassuring normality and the so-called "new religions" which are considered by....
For the best ones
the hardest path?
21 January 2020
The wise say "For the best ones--the hardest path" or "Throw a rope full of thorns as an aid". It almost seems that life, to be precious, "must" be difficult. It seems that every experience should be a test of our patience and our strength. On the other hand, those who know how to meditate on their existence and its purposes have clear that the best transformations take place in light and joy. Crying doesn't teach us more than smiling, knowing how to live pain is no more formative than knowing how to live in joy, they are simply complementary experiences. But, what is the value of the difficulty then?
Art, soul and history
14 January 2020
In the chronicles of the time, it is clearly told that alongside the bricklayers and those who were involved in the construction of the large churches in Paris as in Rome in Madrid, in England and so on, even merchants, professionals and peasants...
Oracle of January 2020
14 January 2020
We dedicate the Oracle of January to research and union, connection and passages to overcome the planetary challenges of this time and the danger of a third world war, so that we can take the right time branch.
Astrology Forecast
13 January 2020
The first year of the second decade of the first century of the third millennium will surely be under the sign of Capricorn, given the multiple presence of the large pieces of Saturn and Jupiter that overlap Pluto, but also Aries, starting from May 28th, when Mars enters its sign, and will provide a lot of energy.
Wealth… that lasts
8 January 2020
Humanity has the duty to make its own choices, and the divinities have the task of making them possible...
Dream divinely
7 January 2020
One would say that dreams are very pleasing to God and to the gods. This is demonstrated by...
Happy Holidays from the Temples of Humankind
24 December 2019
May each of us be a luminous example to inspire others to do good, and lead the world towards a decade of...
Spirituality and religions of the third millennium
24 December 2019
The new spiritual movements are very curious about public opinion all over the world. Sometimes they worry, especially when newspapers, television stations, and badly informed blogs paint them in...
Oracle of December 2019
19 December 2019
The Oracle of December is dedicated to the magic of light. May the Divine in our hearts light up and shine. May we all be born again as awakened gods so that the Earth and all people can be safe.
The history of humanity
17 December 2019
And so the research in the field of hidden history reveals a double value: on one hand...
Horus, the God of Wholeness
11 December 2019
The god Horus is one of the most significant ones in the mythology of ancient Egypt. His cult began in the fourth millennium BC, spreading from Edfu on the western bank of the Nile to then touch every point of time and space in the civilization of Upper and Lower Egypt. He has the appearance of a falcon, and he is often represented as a human figure with the head of a raptor.