Oracle of November 2020

The Oracle of November is dedicated to ethereal friends such as Spir.

Astrology Forecast:
November 2020

Mercury R in Libra, the 3 returns Direct, the 10 is part of Scorpio.
Venus in Libra, on the 21st enters Scorpio.
Mars R in Aries, the 14th returns Direct.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.

an indomitable spirit

In the Labyrinth of the Temples of Humankind, Pillan is represented in his role as the god of thunder and death, who gives fire to human beings. Pillan gathers together the souls of heroes fallen in battle and leads them to the dimension of the afterlife. He is the "Lord of humans" and the "Lord of the Earth." He is the god of creation and destruction who presides over all natural phenomena.

The choice of staying
~ documentary about Damanhur

Five years ago, Mattia Mura, a 28-year old Italian director, contacted us and shared that he wanted to make a documentary about Damanhur – an endeavor that became a four-year adventure.

Oracle of October 2020

The Oracle of October is dedicated to marine mammals, large and small, so they may be protected and their survival safeguarded.

Astrology Forecast:
October 2020

Mercury in Scorpio, on the 14th it becomes Retrograde, on the 28th returns to Libra.
Venus in Leo, on the 2nd enters Virgo, on the 28th in Libra.
Mars in Aries.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune to Pisces.

archangel of healing

This month, we have chosen Rafael, biblical archangel of healing for the body, mind and soul. According to tradition, Rafael offers new ideas about how to heal, and then he leaves space for us to take action following this inspiration.

Oracle of September 2020

Astrology Forecast:
September 2020

Mercury in Virgo, Libra on the 5th, Scorpio on the 27th.
Venus in Cancer, enters Leo on the 6th.
Mars in Aries, becomes Retrograde on the 9th.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.

the conscious ancestor

The divinity who was chosen for the month of August in the Damanhurian calendar is Lebe. In the mythology of the Dogon people, he is the ancestor of all humanity, he who offers himself so that other human beings may be born.

Oracle of August 2020

The Oracle of August is dedicated to purity and to the ability to discern and responsibly choose, moving in a direction that is coherent with the evolution of humanity.

Astrology Forecast:
August 2020

The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd.
Mercury in Cancer, Leo on the 5th and Virgo on the 20th.
Venus in Gemini and Cancer on the 7th.
Mars in Aries.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.

The God who writes the future

Let us ask the question: what do we ask of the future, what answer we would like to receive from divination, and then let us precede it, making our best effort to attract its manifestation from the lines of probability that already exist in our future…

Oracle of July 2020

The Oracle of July is dedicated to the Temples of Humankind and its opening to the world. May this recall the opening of our inner temple and our awakening to its light.

Astrology Forecast:
July 2020

On the 22nd of July, the Sun will come out of Cancer and enter Leo.
Penumbral eclipse of the Sun. 5 hours 6.31
Mercury in Cancer.
Venus in Gemini.
Mars in Aries (where it will remain throughout 2020)...

The God who listens
and smiles

In these reflections, we always try to receive inspiration from the divinity of the month. They speak to us, admonish us, and suggest solutions for facing the problems and turning points that life offers us. Inside of ourselves, as cells in the great body of the whole of humanity, present and past, there are connections with all the divine forces we have encountered in the millenary history of humankind. If we wish, if we know how to listen, we can recall their frequency and enter into dialogue with them.....

Oracle of June 2020

The Oracle of June is dedicated to the Solstice, the forces of renewal, Falco and courage....

Astrology Forecast:
June 2020

On the 20th at 11.45 pm the sun leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, it’s the Summer Solstice.

Penumbral lunar eclipse Fri. the 5th at 9.26pm.
Annular Sun eclipse the 21st at 8.40am.

Mercury in Cancer, on the18th goes into Retrograde.....

The goddess who connects
dreams with waking life

Musmans are forces who unite different souls and vocations (indeed, they represent a class of divinities, not a single entity) and they create a bridge between different planes of existence. They are feminine divine forces but the bodies they possess are masculine ones, and when they take on material consistency, they do so in order to perform magical actions.

A new beginning

In these months, we have learned to be more patient, to have a greater appreciation for closeness with others, to do without things that are not so important, and to hold on to the ones that are most meaningful to us. An unexpected virus that is hard to contain has made it possible for us to remember some things that we had forgotten.

Oracle of May 2020

The Oracle of May is dedicated to the spiritual intelligence of humanity which manifests itself in planetary healing and a true understanding of the overall design. Courageous choices. Return to the essence, to purity. Union among peoples...

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 3

We know so little about what is really going on. What we know for sure is that this crisis is presenting us with two opposing future scenarios: a world of control and repression, or a new global human community living in solidarity...

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 2

There is no separation between material and spiritual reality: this is a principle we find in many sacred texts and philosophies, from Spinoza, to the Advaita-Vedanta, as well as in Damanhurian philosophy....

The colors of a new dawn
~Redesigning our lives after Covid | Part 1

I don’t believe we can ever be fully aware of the effects of our actions. This is a blessing because the weight of our responsibility would probably fill us with horror and discouragement....

Astrology Forecast:
May 2020

On the 20th, the Sun exits Taurus and enters Gemini.
Mercury is in Taurus, and enters Gemini on the 11th, and then Cancer on the 28th.
Venus is in Gemini, and goes Retrograde on the 13th.
Mars is in Aquarius, and enters Pisces on the 13th.

Why we have built
the Temples

Magical and spiritual architecture is based on codes, symbols, and structural elements that receive information coming from the Synchronic Lines and spread them across the planet. Monks, druids, shamans...

Oracle of April 2020

We dedicate Oracle of April to the Grail so that it may it bring healing and flowering to the soul, in the bodies and minds of every person. May the presence of allied Divine Forces reawaken the energy contained in the hearts. We also dedicate it to the people who have passed away in these months without any comfort; may the soul of each one of them continue on the path of light.

the sense of community

The situation - which has become severe everywhere - constrains us to isolation, and we are feeling how important other people are, the people who complete us, who make our lives enriching, whom we miss right now. We realize how important connection is, and we understand that we can feel truly alive only when we are together with others. We are learning, and remembering, that life has meaning...

A child
playing with flowers

There is a message from Xochipilli that we can listen to today when a virus suspends our lives, our habits, and our need to encounter others. This message is contained in the image of flowers and games. Flowers are...

From shelter at home to finding Home in our heart

...some of us are still struggling to find meaning in this unprecedented circumstance...