Position of Damanhur on Green Pass in Italy
29 October 2021
The Italian government decree which appears to promote safety at work appears in fact to be merely a tool to forcefully push citizens to get vaccinated...
Oracle of October 2021
25 October 2021
Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present
Astrology Forecast:
October 2021
4 October 2021
SUN in Libra, the 23rd enters Scorpio.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra, the 18th returns Direct.
Venus in Scorpio, the 7th enters Sagittarius.
Mars in Libra, the 30 enters Scorpio.
Oracle of September 2021
30 September 2021
Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present
Immerse yourself in the art of the Temples
21 September 2021
Last year I was asked to coordinate the realization of an old project, namely the creation of the Virtual Tour of the Temples. The idea of making the Temples even more accessible to the world immediately got me excited!
Astrology Forecast:
September 2021
3 September 2021
The month of September is the beginning of the 47th year as per Damanhurian calendar so... Happy New Year!
Oracle of August 2021
25 August 2021
Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:
Astrology Forecast:
August 2021
2 August 2021
This month there are no particular dissonances between the planets, now that the Saturn-Uranus quadrature, which began in January, has melted, removing the chains until December.
Oracle of July 2021
28 July 2021
Response for Damanhur and for those who are listening, as collected by those present
Oracle of June 2021
2 July 2021
Response for Damanhur and for those who are listening, as collected by those present
Astrology Forecast:
July 2021
2 July 2021
In this 'feminine' month connected to the goddesses Indra, Demeter, and Cybele, with the Water Day (the 21st) and the anniversary of the Awakening of the Goddess in 1983 (the 30th), the squaring between Saturn and Uranus slowly dampens (towards the end of the month) and will leave us 'quiet' until November.
Pan-psychism and the becoming of God
10 June 2021
In an interview in which he presents his latest book, McGilchrist argues that, like consciousness, value and purpose are also primary constituents because they are embedded in the drive of everything.
Astrology Forecast:
June 2021
4 June 2021
SUN in Gemini, the 21st enters Cancer.
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, on the 23rd returns Direct.
Venus in Gemini, the 2 enters Cancer, the 27th in the Lion.
Mars in Cancer, day 11 enters the Lion.
Jupiter in Pisces, the 20 becomes Retrograde.
Saturn in Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Capricorn.
Astrology Forecast:
May 2021
4 May 2021
SUN in Taurus, 20 enters Gemini.
MOON: 26 Total Eclipse of the Moon, 11.20 at 5 ° Sagittarius.
Mercury in Taurus, 4 enters Gemini, 30 becomes Retrograde.
Venus in Taurus, 9 enters Gemini.
Mars in Cancer.
Jupiter in Aquarius, on the 14th enters Pisces.
Saturn in Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Capricorn.
Astrology Forecast:
April 2021
2 April 2021
SUN in Aries, on the 19th enters Taurum.
Mercury in Pisces, the 4 enters in Aries, the 19th in Taurus.
Venus in Aries, on the 14th enters Taurus.
Mars in Gemini, the 23rd enters Cancer.
Astrology Forecast:
March 2021
6 March 2021
Sun in Pisces, on day 20 enters Aries.
Mercury in Aquarius, on the 15th enters Pisces.
Oracle of January 2021
15 February 2021
The Oracle of January is dedicated to melting "snow" from the heart and recognizing the divine aspect contained within.
Astrology Forecast:
February 2021
13 February 2021
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, the 21st returns Direct.
Venus on day 1 enters Aquarius, the 25th in the Pisces.
The Earth is in a hurry…
and spinning faster
15 January 2021
A new year has begun. What matters is the feeling that a new cycle is beginning, and there is a new opportunity to change the color and theme of our lives, individually and collectively. Our species creates its world through words, which become thoughts and emotions. The positive expectation of something new, the hope that things can change also rests on the co-created perception that new beginnings really do exist. By expecting them, by bringing attention to them we make them real by “fishing” them out of the probability continuum.
Second Oracle of December 2020
4 January 2021
The Oracle of December is dedicated to dreams that can become more dense as open channels, bringing messages and revelations useful to the world.
Astrology Forecast:
January 2021
2 January 2021
Mercury in Capricorn, the 8th day enters Aquarius and 30th becomes retrograde.
Venus in Sagittarius, on the 8th day enters Capricorn.
Nut and the reawakening of the androgynous being
15 December 2020
Originally, Nut and Geb represent an androgynous being, the feminine and the masculine united in a single body. Unfortunately, the god of the sun Ra was jealous of their happiness, and he commanded them to be divided. Even though they were separated into two distinct beings, Nut and Geb did not stop loving each other and seeking completeness in the other.
Oracle of December 2020
3 December 2020
The Oracle of November is dedicated to Pan, God of the Earth, so that he
stabilizes and harmonizes in every being on planet Earth
Astrology Forecast:
December 2020
1 December 2020
The Great Planetary Conjunction taking place on December 21!
Awaited by many astrologers, the upcoming Winter Solstice promises to be a truly unique one, due to the type of planetary alignments taking place.
Hands of Light
23 November 2020
In many mystical and spiritual traditions around the world, the hand, or more precisely, the palm of the hand, has traditionally been a symbol of force and power.
Divine silence
for communication
13 November 2020
Angerona, primordial goddess of the Roman region, is the protector of silence and secrets. She is an elusive, difficult to define goddess, and even artists from ancient times could not make a precise portrait of her. She was even confused with other divine figures sometimes.
The quality of our relationships
10 November 2020
We want to share with you some different experiences of Damanhurians around the world who have explored the meaning of living together, not only with one's birth family but also with a "family by choice". Let's start with the story of the young and enthusiastic Stefano.