Why I came to Damanhur:
Camaleonte Oleandro
1 January 2019
...there was something that fascinated him with the more intuitive and magical world...
The role of the Enemy
26 December 2018
Different spiritual paths, including ours, are convinced of the existence of an enemy force that wants to...
Oracle of december 2018
24 December 2018
The Oracle of December is dedicated to our awareness in taking action, to reinforce the separation of planes.
Interview with a Sound Healer
20 December 2018
...in this interview with Esperide, Suntara and Rosarmy talk about travelling the world on the waves of healing sounds...
From Doubt to Certainty
18 December 2018
...the doubt, in the Damanhurian vision, it is not the element that puts distance between us and things, slowing us down and causing us to be cautious, but on the contrary it is the intelligent procedure to confront each theme, every situation, every ideal, to establish our links with them...
Magic exists… for those who believe in it
12 December 2018
...but in reality this approach ignores something profoundly true: magic does exist and manifests itself above all for those who...
The Myth is Now
7 December 2018
The wisdom of humanity is preserved in the myths that we as human beings have always told. These myths are alive now, just as they were in the past, because myth does not have time. Myth is today, not yesterday. We live in a fluid time where...
Religious Mythology
7 December 2018
We live in very interesting times. We are at a threshold between the crashing down of old myths and the creation of new ones. Who will create them?
Falco Tarassaco:
Why is Self-sufficiency important in Damanhur?
6 December 2018
Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question about the importance to be self sufficient in Damanhur, a goal to reach through the pilot project called "Olio Caldo", meaning hot oil.
Wake up,
you are
4 December 2018
When we dream, we do not enter a world completely disconnected from that of the waking: the two realities are closely linked, even if...
Astrology Forecast
December 2018
3 December 2018
The Sun starts at 8 ° in Sagittarius and on the 21st it enters Capricorn. At the end of the month it will be...
Why I came to Damanhur: Antilope Verbena
29 November 2018
Antilope came to Damanhur 35 years ago, at the time she was 21. She was working as a nurse and had a health problem that no medicine or therapy could heal. This is when she first...
The path that leads to the Grail
28 November 2018
...I believe that I have overcome the disease precisely because of this, as well as for the precociousness of the diagnosis, for the expertise of those who have treated me and for the things that I still regularly do to continue my healing. I gave a direction to the life I still wanted to live, and the direction was towards my own growth...
Oracle of November 2018
23 November 2018
The Oracle of November is dedicated to the new future branch that we can reinforce with our spiritual energies, together, and give power to our history.
Michael Pawlyn on
“Yes! And…”
22 November 2018
Yes!And.. is an initiative to connect with people who are working for the future of humankind in their own specialised fields, and to help them share their stories.
This episode is with Michael Pawlyn, a biomimicry architecture that took part in the planning of the well-known Eden Project.
This year’s hot topics in Damanhur
20 November 2018
The future, indeed, is in many ways, the present, will see Damanhur spread in the world not simply because people from different countries know about it and come to visit, but because the tendency will be...
Falco Tarassaco:
The spiritual-scientific approach of Nikola Tesla
15 November 2018
Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question related to physicist Nikola Tesla.
The myths that create us
13 November 2018
Our life, our way of designing our world, our participation in the life of the family, the group, the city, are things already the way we would like or do we still have a little ways to go?
Feroze Dada on “Yes! And…”
8 November 2018
Damanhur is a Living Lab for the Future. People visit from all over the world, and exchange their research and ideas.
Yes!And… is an interview series to let our guests share their stories and inspire us to build a more awakened world, together.
Astrology Forecast
November 2018
7 November 2018
The Sun leaves Scorpio on the 22nd day and enters Sagittarius.
Mercury ranges from 0 ° to 13 ° in Sagittarius, then on the 17th day it goes...
The vision of Falco Tarassaco
7 November 2018
...To you who are reading, from now on, this text will speak to you in the first person and it can draw inspiration for your path to spiritual freedom, a journey that can be made of mysticism, of secular research, of...
Falco Tarassaco:
How was the Temples build from a security point of view?
5 November 2018
Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question about how they were able to build the Temples in a secure way, not being architects or engineers.
What do we use
to measure
our health?
30 October 2018
Have you ever wondered what are the true characteristics of health? When are we healthy? And if we have a disease, are we necessarily sick? Where is the limit between "having a disease" and "being sick"?
Oracle of October 2018
29 October 2018
The Oracle of October is dedicated to the power of imagination nourishing our soul and leading us to renewal.
Falco Tarassaco:
The importance of Listening
25 October 2018
Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guests each Friday, responding to their questions.
In this video he answers a question about what is important for a human group to work harmoniously.
Closer to animals or trees?
24 October 2018
For those who are already sensitive to the topic, it is essential to cultivate the relationship, dialogue with them while walking through a park and learning to consider them as very reserved but real friends. The most useful suggestions in this sense will come from...
Short movie about
Damanhur by Ivan Olita
17 October 2018
Ivan Olita came to Damanhur to realize a video for the NOWNESS series “Retreats” that explore communities and individuals living by their own rules. In the video, we follow the life of Celastrina, through her story, the video explores the spiritual and social values of Damanhur, and how they’re applied in the personal lives of the Damanhurian citizens.
Listening as if we were deaf
17 October 2018
All right, maybe becoming deaf is not the solution, but how can we communicate without being misunderstood?
The woods speak to us
11 October 2018
The project was done to improve the well-being of children between 6 and 14 years old through themes, such as appreciating differences, resolving conflicts, involving parents and helping the children to become protagonists while collaborating together in small groups.
How to prepare for dying?
10 October 2018
In Damanhur we have a group of people that are specialized in caring for those who are dying and those who have passed away. This function is not new, but has been an important and honorable function in many ancient civilizations and amongst indigenous peoples.