Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
4642 – Avoid habits. Use one side of the brain sometimes, and sometimes the other. You have strength that you are not using! – Habits to be changed.
1446 – You await an answer. But afterwards, do you know how to change? – But certainly, you can make it. Duty.
3314 – The quasi-real. Form is the power of Maya. Send out your forms and breathe more. – You are the way you think of yourself. Live yourself more intensely.
5554 – The waiting. Being able to wait. Strive for perfection. Rewarded perseverance. – Study. Prepare yourself to face new things.
1444 – You await an answer. But afterwards, do you know how to change? – Certainty. Illumination. Get rid of the old body. Toward the Empress.
6122 – Fragrance precedes taste. Difficult journey. Synchronic chance happenings. – Encounters or clashes that are more useful than negative.
2413 – Respect the Rituals! Less superficiality. Live in the moment. – Determination and constructive, courageous perseverance are necessary.
1354 – Blowing on the fire may be positive or negative. Do not see it as only for yourself! Meditate. – Sensitivity. First the others.
6121 – Fragrance precedes taste. Difficult journey. Synchronic chance happenings. – Difficulties in moving and traveling. Weak health.
4346 – Evolution comes through that which takes effort. But also through that which is pleasant. – Laughing, joking and playing teach you a lot.
3362 – The end of the world. Rains and hurricanes. Destroying to renew. – More delicate. Taking care naturally.
2134 – The image. The flame. Memories are changeable. – Don’t remember only what you want to remember.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.