Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
322 – From a balanced relationship, survival is born.
3 – Chokmah, priest, new life.
251 – Relatives have an influence. But magical things free you, and rightly so. Respect.
2 – Change. You have all the necessary courage.
222 – Sleep. Plan your day, the fatigue will be less and the result better.
4 – Unconsciously you already know.
243 – When the moment is over, all the unspoken words and things left undone come to mind. Sadness. Courage.
5 – The well considered gesture and word. Waiting.
251 – Relatives have an influence. But magical things free you, and rightly so. Respect.
2 – Change. You have all the necessary courage.
544 – It is a year of great change and activity. Act in all fields. Ask.
1 – Right preparation. Foresight.
421 – Harmony. From great to small. Health.
1 – Good forces and noble presences in your direction.
644 – Flying. It is positive. The reading of your name. Meeting point.
2 – Temperance, it is wealth. 14.
313 – Leaves are delicate, but thorns are also leaves.
4 – Right words at the right moment. Theory and practice united.
121 – Pay attention to the question; for a question it is, and nothing else.
4 – Movements and fleeing.
321 – The image of the first animal or insect you will see during the day, from this moment on. The symbol of the Answer.
2 – But can we know what it is you are doing with your life?
626 – Weak harmony. A dark green Breve* is synchronic for you. In asking for it. In wearing it. In carrying it.
2 – Turning the hanged man upside down. Changing with courage. 12.
* A Breve is a small bag made with natural fabric, containing salt, camphor and healing herbs. They were widely used in ancient natural medicine.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.