The current Green Pass (GP) policies in Italy are having a huge impact on the general climate in the country, above all by creating fear and division. We recently wrote an article on Damanhur’s position on the GP and have received a lot of feedback from our readers, both to support our position and some to express opposition. We believe strongly in exchanging opinions and we have published all the comments. We would also like to encourage the discussion on this topic to continue – feel free to tell us how you feel about this on the bottom of this article.
Many have also asked us to share more information on Damanhur’s vision of this historical moment, our spiritual view on the vaccines, the Green Pass, and on the Covid-19 epidemic in general.
We interviewed Stambecco, representative of our School of Medit-Action, the body which represents the spiritual wing of Damanhur, to share School’s position on these points.
We cannot separate the social and the political evaluations completely because in Damanhur spirituality and daily life are closely connected. In our vision the spiritual interpretation of current events is clear: it brings separation, inspires unhealthy opposition – and not only between those in favour and those opposed to vaccinations and Green Pass, but even within those two camps of opinion. Above all, the events inspire sense of fear, which leads to various negative forms of behaviour.
So far as our spiritual point of view is concerned, it does not matter if the virus was born in the lab and escaped by mistake or spread by someone’s wilful effort. Paradoxically, it is not even important if the unrolling events are to be seen as an attack of some higher forces adverse to human life that has prevailed over events. What we believe is indeed important is that we all come out from this experience more united on a collective level, and more responsible on a personal level, thus allowing us to prevail in any future challenges.
This is the goal we feel worthy of everyone to set towards themselves personally, but also towards others and society as a whole: not to fall into the spiral of division and fear. In other words, we need to rediscover the value of freedom, respect for free choice of others and standing in defense of our own.
In Damanhur everyone is free to decide whether to get vaccinated. Some for various reasons decided to get vaccinated, many reluctantly so; but we all observe the recommended sanitary measures, including the mandatory Covid swabs.
The choice to offer the budget-prices Covid swabs to all members of public who come to our health center is not our implicit endorsement of the mandatory GP, but on contrary – a way to allow people to skip vaccination if they choose not to do so, and at the same time be able to continue working and living their lives without excessive additional costs. It is our way of showing solidarity, an important spiritual tenet of our community.
We have posted on this blog Damanhur’s position on vaccines and GP, which is not a favorable one. Unfortunately, the world today does not seem to be moving in a direction of mutual respect, awareness and openness. Social and spiritual missions led by groups and communities such as ours seek to become an alternative and a long-term remedy to this sad trend. Realms of unfair politics and exploitative economic powers are once again demonstrating a lack of alignment with the interests of citizens and society and misplaced judgement of their role. Despite all of this, however, we believe in humanity and in common sense (another spiritually important value), and think that the world needs to be helped to grow positively, not to be fought against. This is why our commitment is maintaining solidarity, and while staying in compliance with the law at the same time working towards having those restrictive rules abandoned.
Stambecco Pesco
on behalf of the School of Medit-Action (esoteric path of Damanhur)
The mother, the Grail and the child
Sustainability,Live community,Spiritualità
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Nobody should be discriminated for their spiritual, personal and political belief. People, who believe in the Vaccination, should be allowed to have it, and still be loved by their spiritual brothers and sisters! I am currently living in a community where this is the case, and I support and hug my brother and sister without fear!
However FORCING someone to take the vaccine, even though he does not believe in it and actually is AFRAID of it, is far from spiritual and emotional maturity, besides the fact that it is ILLEGAL in the face of the human rights and the natural born dignity of a human being. A society, who starts discriminating the unvaccinated, by not allowing them to enter government houses, courts and hospitals is committing a CRIME against humanity. There is absolutely NO sugarcoating this, even though it is described as something “plausible” in the narrative of the mainstream and of the world-politics in general! Make no mistake: In our society of information and control,… EVERYTHING is documented. Every move we make, every bond we brake (yeah like in the song from stings band “the police”). When the narrative changes, which it will sooner or later, voluntarily or not,… nobody will be able to say: ” I did not know, this vaccine was not approved” “I did not know, this vaccine was messing with my DNA”, .. ” I did not known, that our government and our media were acting outside of the human rights”,.. because ALL THE INFORMATION WAS and IS HERE, everything we said and did to approve or not approve will be in the archives of the Internet and we will have to face and deal with the consequences that will happen in our conscious as a result of this merciless digital mirror. To be honest, THIS might be by far the bigger problem, humanity might have to face, than a CORONA-stem that causes, symptoms like a heavy and painful INFLUENZA but was and is absolutely survivable… (I know what I am talking about, I have HAD it and I have treated people, who had it)….. MORE THAN EVER: CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, SELFSUFFICIENCY and lived out SPIRITUAL TOLERANCE is the ANSWER… DAMANHUR HAS built the best FUNDAMENT to LIVE THE ANSWER,… lets renew it and live it out now: lets provide us with the necessary HELP and SECURITY, that we ARE NOT following the path of fear, but that of dignity and connection,.. even if this means, that we have to look into our own mirror and say ” If I want change to happen, it has to start with me, including working through some unpleasant narratives of my own story.”
Kannst du mir bitte deine Tel. Nummer senden, Max Moser hat mir die falsche Telefonnummer gegeben und ich will dich dringend erreichen!
I agree with You… that we need to see this chaotic time as a great opportunity
for changing the system, and to evolve as a human species. We also need to align
ourselves with Earth Mother Nature, and her immense valuable produce to help
cure our every bodily system & disease!
PLEASE do research the toxic brew that is in these covid injections, that has already contributed to thousands of serious disabilities and deaths! And remember that the pharmaceutical industries claim indemnity, from their
responsibilities!!! Not only that… they are receiving billions of dollars etc!!!
We need to recognise that the human species would not be here on the Planet,
without the help of viruses, which are molecule messengers, that exist everywhere! And that most people who have died from the Covid flu, have mostly suffered from the toxic city pollution, causing lung damage, or have
an existing disease & nutritional deficiencies etc.
We need to stand up for Health Freedom & My Body My Choice, and to honour
the Sovereignty of our Mother Planet Earth!
Wishing You Healthy Blessings & Deep Wisdom….Love from Lorye
When is compliance to the law a violation of one’s ethics, morality, spirituality? Have you defined this point for yourselves?
Thank you for your willingness to speak to this global confusion. I myself have not used the modern pharmaceutical “medicine” in many decades. I see what following their “medicine” has done to my siblings and their offspring, and it breaks my heart to witness their vaccine injuries and their continuing to find a fix within the same realm that is causing their failing health. As to the swabs you are providing, I did use these in order to travel since I do not use vaccines of any kind. I am no longer doing so as my nostrils are suffering from whatever was on those swabs. Just mentioning this as I am not finding others complaining about this. For me it is like they are leaky near the entrance with kind of scabs forming, and now bloody nose on and off. Anyway, thank you for your clarity and your vision of creating a world that celebrates life and choice.