Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


143 – Colours for your children, your siblings, for you. What is your true color?
2 – Indigo. Believing is succeeding.


414 – A communication changes your life. Take advantage of the wave to reach the shore. The light on the path.5 – Achieved goals. You have been wandering in the desert for a long time. Promised land.


134 – In the earth. On the Earth. Above the earth. In the sky. Humility.
3 – Watch with different eyes the one(s) close to you.


215 – The sea covers what wants to remain hidden. The fascination of the Unknown.
5 – A light in the night.


114 – A House. A house is at the center of every event.
3 – The house is large enough for everyone, if they know how to live in it.


643 – Walking. Running. Fatigue. Useless waiting.
2 – The call.


525 – A surprise. Everything is to be taken well. Adaptation.
2 – Know how to accept with dignity. Respect.


434 – Evolution comes through that which takes effort. But also through that which is pleasant.
4 – Recitation. Theater. Simulation that teaches.


643 – Walking. Running. Fatigue. Useless waiting.
3 – Knowing how to resist.


352 – Renewal. What seemed invincible is as weak as a dry leaf. The thunder frightens but it causes no harm.
5 – Greater self-esteem.


663 – A specialization. A course. A State of consciousness. A new problem. Pleasure of the fight.
6 – Malkut. The wheel completes another turn.


151 – Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you.
2 – Correction.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on  The book of Synchronicity.
