Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
465 - A "maybe" makes you think and discover the answers by yourself.
1 - Maybe not.
451 - New leaves are the most delicate. But also the most vital. Perseverance.
6 - Gratitude. Think about it.
211 - Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE.
6 - Accept your responsibilities.
553 - Division. Breaking apart to unite. Burnt wood. Health of neighbors diminished.
2 - Do not be scared. Consume yourself.
432 - A drawing, a casual writing. Work with your hands.
1 - Flashing insight. Grasp it.
242 - Death. Renewal. Close to you.
3 - Courage in your ideas.
625 - The weapon. Wait in the attack. More thunder than lightning.
3 - Using insight to change and make change.
224 - The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars?
5 - When you do not understand, do not be silent. Ask.
423 - An image resolves. Doubt. Horizon.
3 - Imagination, reason.
456 - God created the world in six days. It is not right to have everything at once. High costs.
3 - Waiting improves flavor and enjoyment. Talents.
244 - Say "thank you" more often to those close to you. Interchangeability. Children are your mirror.
3 - The smiling images, the dance.
365 - Common experiences are positive for you. Do not desire to take the lead at all costs. The right value is found in silence and in works.
2 - More deeds and fewer words... without exalting what you do.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.