The Ecovillage Design Education is born out of the experiences of long-existing communities and cutting edge educators. The goal is to teach how to create a new way of living which brings together the four key dimensions of sustainability: social, cultural/worldview, ecological and economic.
Spend a month in close contact with one of the world’s most successful communities: Damanhur has been a center for spiritual, artistic and social research since 1975 and is renowned throughout the world for the Temples of Humankind, an underground work of art, completely realized by hand.
• learning social tools for leadership, participatory decision making, group building, conflict solving…
• gaining a holistic education in the four dimensions of sustainability
• exploring solutions and experiencing effective models to transform society
• experiencing a visionary community in “real life”, that has been existing and transforming for 42 years
• transmitting design and implementation skills for effective projects
• get insight inyo the ecological knowledge and practice from permaculture, green building to renewables
• developing an artistic approach to life
• exploring the importance of spirituality and creating sacred space in building new societies
• certification by Gaia Education as an EDE designer
• integrative design skills in four areas of sustainability: ecology, economy, social aspects & culture
• first step for setting up EDE-courses in your region
• new friends, ideas, inspiration and hope!
Training dates: 1 – 29 August 2020
Where: Damanhur, Italy, via Pramarzo 3, 10080 Baldissero (TO)
Course language: English
Contact: or +39 348 6432318
This course is in coordination with Gaia Education, a program associated with the Global Ecovillage Network, and Damanhur Education.
Dear people,
I might be intrested in the EDE course for next August. Is there place?
Ofcourse I am hoping That Italy will open by than .
And what are the costs?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards
Besna Son
Dear Besna, the EDE program should roll put as planned this August, if enough people sign in, of course. Please contact Macaco, the program coordinator at for more details on prices, dates, and the detailed program.
Have a beautiful day!