One would say that dreams are very pleasing to Gods. This is demonstrated by the sacred texts of different traditions.
In the Bible, for example, it is written that the prophet Daniel dreamed and then described the power of Babylon, which he saw symbolized in many beasts that represented the following dynasties. And an angel, a divine messenger, in the dream explained to him the symbologies, for example the sheep that represented the Kings of Medes and Persians, and the goat that represented the Greek sovereigns.
In another dream Joseph the carpenter, putative father of Jesus, was warned by the Creator in person of the massacre of first-born children that King Herod had commanded and of the urgency to flee to Egypt with his wife and son. Later, in a dream, God told him that it was possible to return. Little Jesus, therefore, should owe his life to a dream!

Even the world of Islam presents elements closely linked to dreams. The prophet Mohammed received in his sleep the announcement by the archangel Gabriel that he was the chosen one to write the Koran. This message, which was written on a cloth, was very clear to him to read even though he had been illiterate up until then. And also the continuation of his great work was inspired by Mohammed through the dream.
The correlation between the world we access at night and the divine is obviously very large and all the traditions, we have limited ourselves to citing two, recognize a great value to the oneiric dimension. In truth, the Christian tradition, at the beginning of the Middle Ages, tried to reduce the importance of the dream.

St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church and the first integral translator of the Bible in Latin, interpreted the passages linked to the dream as episodes related to the devil and the dream thus became a treacherous, dangerous territory, at least of little relevance. But if we think of how miraculous apparitions and dreams mix even in the Christian tradition of the last centuries, we can deduce that the Saint’s opinions have not taken root so much in the popular imagination.

A very rich territory

For all of us who are neither saints nor prophets, and who seek in everyday life signs to help us decipher the keys to life and happiness, the dream is a territory rich in ideas. Falco Tarassaco, founder of Damanhur, invited everyone to pay attention to their dreams, to write them down, to reread them from time to time, convinced that through dreams we receive messages, inspirations, and insights from a sphere more elevated than the waking hours. Dreams are partly a reflection of what we experience during the day and it takes a few hours of sleep for the experiences of the day to be processed. In this case, the dream is equivalent to a boat maneuvering inside the waters of the port, to balance the sails and test the wind. Then, after a certain time, with the entry into the “REM” phase the dream becomes deep and then we find ourselves no longer putting order into the things of the day but moving into a new dimension, disconnected from the one we experienced when awake. And like a boat that takes off and faces the open sea, we come into contact with a plan of reality in which we interact with energy, intelligence, and messages that come from “elsewhere”.

What did you dream?

It is necessary to know how to learn to do it well, so we have courses created specifically to learn how to move in the dream world. If you think about it, maybe you too can remember some particular dream that inspired you. Dreams that left you particularly joyful in the morning, with an awareness that you had never experienced, that suggested you how to act with respect to the problems you were questioning.

Think about it, when did you last talk to God through the dream? And if it wasn’t him, who did you talk to?