The Grail represents one of the myths that has widely spread in our culture, even if we may not realize it. As an example, let’s just think of the sports, which today attracts huge media, financial and often political interests. The symbol that represents every victory is a cup. From the America’s Cup in the world of sailing to the Davis Cup in tennis and the World Cup, which is awarded to the champion team in soccer. These are all indirect references to the Grail, identified for centuries in a cup or a glass. According to the tradition of the European Middle Ages, up to our own today, the Grail is in fact the container that collects the wine of the last supper of Jesus or, in another version, which collects his blood during the agony on the cross.
The symbolic identification between the sporting trophy and the mythical cup is also underlined by the process that must be tackled to take it over, the trophy must be won on the field, in a fair competition with the opponents at the end of a path in which one by one, have won all the challenges.
Therefore, it is a strongly desired and sought after award. It is the perfect metaphor for the adventure of the spotless and fearless rider, as emphasized by the round table saga, which dedicated its life to the search for the sacred relic, overcoming one obstacle after another driven by faith and courage.
Searching and letting yourself be found
The vision of the Grail that Falco Tarassaco had, leads to the reversal of a part of this myth. The Grail, says Falco, is a huge force that moves through the universes and that represents the greatest form of power with which an evolved being can come into contact. On our planet, at different times, it has manifested itself through different forms and symbols; the last was that of the cup. Today, the symbol that indicates the proximity of this force has changed again and is that of illness. A state of being that leads us to lower our defenses and reflect on the value of life.
This interpretation leads us to see the condition of the patient and our attitude towards discomfort with completely different eyes. The disease is a condition not to be eliminated but to be experiences in its entirety, in order to reach complete recovery, since the latter is achievable only through a profound reflection on the spiritual meaning of life.
The most extraordinary meaning of this vision, however, is yet another. If in the metaphor of the cup the Grail is something that must be pursued, from the knight of past eras to today’s sportsman, in the case of illness it is the Grail that comes to look for you and give you the opportunity to get in touch with it. That is, the Grail is not an objective to reach or find, but an opportunity that life offers you.
Living is the great endevour
Purity, this force seems to suggest, does not consist in preparing oneself for large adventures and expressing excellence in extraordinary pursutes, but rather in doing the same things in one’s own normality, within situations we encounter every day, along the path of our own existence.
Being heroes and knights every day, because the greatest task is to live our everyday life, not just live the grand adventure.
For some, the disease is evident in the physical body, for others it is in our behavior, for others it is a spiritual disease, which prevents us from finding true meaning in our life. We all have the opportunity to get in touch with the Grail because everyone, whether we see it clearly or not, can heal something in his/her life. In this sense, today we are all knights in search of a prize for our own courage.
I am so grateful for this post. I am very grateful to see this conscious, thoughtful and aware position on the GP. For those that are being swabbed, it feels like such prejudice as the injection does not reduce transmission or protection acquisition. Without knowing what’s in these injections and their legitimate long term effects for a disease that has a statistical survival rate of over 99% in the population this installation of fear, control and separation feels like the one of the greatest trances hypnotizing humanity into the most amazing irrational immoral militant daze. Thank you for being a beacon of light, and I pray soon all will be through this tunnel of squeeze and wake from this, and people will return to connection of the wisdom of nature and the wisdom of the miraculous body, especially when mind and spirit are tuned to the loving life force.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I feel sad to see that people having healing in their vision are so much in resistance to reality/science.
I suffer from the fact that so many spiritual thinking people are against vaccination so I do not want to be around with them as I don’t want to risk a infection (although vaccinated).
In my eyes it is a missed chance for the „spiritual world“ to really heal the gaps between people, to really be part of the society and not feed the inability to talk, understand and accept each other. So sad!