Yes!And… is a series of interviews with some of the guests that visit Damanhur, to share their stories and inspire us to build a more awakened world. Together.

The guest in this episode is Ross Jackson, a practical visionary in the political, economic and NGO worlds. An author, social pioneer and innovative thinker, together with his wife Hildur, Ross founded  Gaia Trust in 1987. Gaia Trust is a Danish charitable association whose main aim is to support the transition to a sustainable and more spiritual future society through grants and proactive initiatives.

Gaia Trust’s strategy has always been to support the ecovillage movement through grants, and to invest its capital in “green” startup companies that would complement the grants policy, creating jobs and promoting more sustainable businesses.

The resulting major projects were the establishment of the Global Ecovillage Network in 1991 and the venture capital firm Gaia Technologies A/S that has given over 300 grants in over 30 countries.

“Would it be an exaggeration to claim that the emergence of the ecovillage movement is the most significant event of the 20th century? I don’t think so.” Damanhur has been a member of the Global Ecovillage Network since 2006, and we deeply share the vision of the future of society Ross shares with us in this interview.

Enjoy the video.

What does community mean for you? Did the thought of living in an ecovillage ever cross your mind? Do you live in a co-housing or an intentional community? And if so, what are the greatest gifts to your life?

You can find more on Ross Jackson and his work on:
Gaia Trust:
Global Ecovillage Network:
Gaia Education: