Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
325 - Control your rage. More respect. With the sun, your soul sees clearly.
II - Throwing out fears, more naivete and freshness.
552 - One brick on top of another. Even the temples are made of small stones. Union.
II - Inner edification. Tempering.
533 - It is your synchronic moment for a candle and a prayer. Offer your day.
I - Contemplation and silence. Preparation.
535 - Fortune. Favorable enterprise. Intuition. Creation. Rewarded initiative.
V - Get out of conventions and achieve new results.
133 - The lance and the shield. Water purifies, blood consecrates. Remember.
II - Cleanse and forget. Let go of the burden and advance more quickly.
552 - One brick on top of another. Even the temples are made of small stones. Union.
II - Inner edification. Tempering.
665 - The unstable equilibrium. Almost synchronic. Rectitude. The torch is to be kept high. At times, we procure Trials by ourselves.
I - Respect the given word. The thoughts.
551 - Why should you not be happy? Clear water lets the ray of sunlight go through.
II - Purity of soul, small harmonious things.
515 - Meditation on any subject will bring your mind back to your Problem. Distraction.
V - Deepen your insight.
624 - Sudden change. Read the signs on the wall, on the floor, around you.
IV - The animals. Watching, sensing.
664 - The Master loves the Initiate even in mistakes. The Tests are for all incarnated beings. The Cup.
VI - The Fortune of being Called.
212 - By sighing, you are not building. Others are also timid!
I - Duplicity. Examination of conscience.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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