Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
355 - It has already been said. Making mistakes is repeating an error that has already been made.
II - You make mistakes on purpose. You want to punish yourself.
211 - Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE.
IV - Favorable result. Do you deserve it?
334 - Music. In a small dark house with the windows closed. Outside the sun is shining. But you don't want to open the door.
III - Do not be afraid of seeming or being different.
243 - When the moment is over, all the unspoken words and things left undone come to mind. Sadness. Courage.
I - Even shyness is communication.
333 - Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic.
II - Do not judge, advance.
565 - The Divine Dream. Mutation of the flesh. Short breath.
II - Learn once and for all to breathe not just superficially. Vitality you will have.
332 - Do not forget the ones who are very close to you, with the excuse of aiming at the horizon. Your Lord of Karma is now by your side.
II - Modesty not bragging.
263 - Making calculations. But with your own mathematics.
IV - Pros and cons. Desires disguise things.
333 - Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic.
III - Hod. Order and legality.
444 - Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune.
IV - The Empress is worthy of an Emperor.
521 - Not in the big problems but in the small ones is the catastrophe. Correct. Harmonize.
II - Going on like this, where do you think you will arrive?
111 - Life is born without waiting: wait before taking action.
III - Disturbed choices while waiting.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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