Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


244 - Say "thank you" more often to those close to you. Interchangeability. Children are your mirror.
I - All colors shine, it is peace, with sincere modesty. Learning.


133 - The lance and the shield. Water purifies, blood consecrates. Remember.
V - The Word and the teaching unite more than blood.


422 - Give a little gift, even if it is not a special day. This is Synchronic in the chain of events.
IV - Rewarded generosity.


225 - Follow and live the word of the Master. Let him write in the book of your soul.
V - A new City. Light.


336 - The end of the world. Rains and hurricanes. Destroying to renew.
I - Turing habits around completely. Adapting.


534 - Before you sleep, take stock of your day; you have given, you have received more. There are no debts.
V - Defeated fear, dreams of future changes.


335 - You have already been told everything. You forget it and want new things. The old things will be repeated with new words.
VI - Reading again, listening again.


361 - The Great Humorist considers our seriousness in playing. Just as an ant climbs a breadcrumb, convinced that it is the most important thing in the world.
I - Absurd fears. Resizing them.


522 - Excessive fear of bad things creates bad things. Uncontrolled thought-forms. Sensitive aura.
III - Defend ideas, knowledge and not superstition.


136 - Read your name. Remember a year ago; who you were, what did you want? And now?
I - Anagram.


534 - Before you sleep, take stock of your day; you have given, you have received more. There are no debts.
V - Defeated fear, dreams of future changes.


341 - The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait.
IV - Anxiety and thoughtlessness destroy the work of years.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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