The great lesson of Falco
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Falco Tarassaco, the founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, died at the age of 63, of cancer. A “common” death, as happens to many, which he has transformed into an extraordinary lesson of life through his serenity and his courage. In the last three months of his life he did a very simple thing: he put into practice the whole theory of death of which he had spoken about during his many years of teaching. He did not want any therapeutic frenzy, he endured fatigue and discomfort, he transmitted important information to his collaborators, he personally met with all those who wanted to greet him (and allowed them to greet him even when he was weak) and he kept the pace of public meetings, as long as the forces allowed it. He never declared “I’m dying” but did not hide what was happening to him. What did he teach us with his example?
Disease is an experience
In an individual path, disease has an important meaning, since it is experienced as an opportunity for a unique transformation. To make this idea true, in Damanhur we have developed the activity of pranotherapy, that is to say the cure through the laying on of hands, which has educated so many Damanhurians to reflect on health as the first step in the transformation of oneself. Illness is an experience: it represents a journey within oneself, to be carried out with serenity and awareness.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”61141″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]
The want to be here despite everything
Looking at Falco in his last months of life, his calmness, his desire to be there as long as he could and his acceptance of what was about to happen, has brought in many reflections on how instead, normally, many live the disease with a great fear of death. Above all, this poses a question: what energy can we draw from within oneself to have the same strength?
Usually, when we get sick, we tend to isolate ourselves: from people, from ourselves, from illness and from healing. We do not want to weigh on others, we do not want to talk about the disease because sharing the emotions that the disease brings us makes us feel weak. Falco taught us that the disease can lead us to connect more. Until the end he devoted all his time to meeting people and situations in which he needed to, but he deeply met and respected the disease itself, accepting its consequences, preparing for the epilogue, offering his body without seeking solutions at every cost.
And in this way he was able to close his life in a light way and help those who love him to process the detachment immediately.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”61163″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]
Life as transformation
Many have asked: “But why is he dead? Being a healer, why did not he heal himself?”
To answer, it must be remembered that Falco often stated that he could do a lot for others but that he could not do so much for himself, adding that it is a sort of rule, not written, but common to all those who have the gift of healing others. But if instead of focusing on the “end of the disease” as a concept of healing, let us look rather at the transformative effects that every disease brings in those who deal with it with the right spirit, then this question does not arise. Falco lived his life with intensity, in all the events that he went through, and he also knew how to do it with his illness. Life is worthy of being lived not for its possible length, not “for how it ends” but for how it happens, for the quality of participation that each one of us is able to express.
From this point of view, there is no doubt that Falco left his body at the height of his spiritual maturity, experiencing the phase of illness with the desire to learn many things that he did not yet know.
He left us not only an extraordinary testimony but also the demonstration that, after all, it is not difficult to live the illness lightly: the important thing is to understand that something precious is in front of us, asking:
What can I learn from this new experience?
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