What is it that we call God?

Divinity, God, Divine: what do we really mean when we use these words? If we want to make it a game, like those pastimes with which one must suggest to others a word without pronouncing it, how many ways can we describe what Divinity, God and Divine mean? Let’s play! Without rejecting any words.

The nature of God is in itself such that many definitions are fitting. According to the School of Meditation of Damanhur, however, we must first clarify the “entity” to which we intend to refer. It may be the Motionless Motor, which includes all the universes and all the planes of existence, indifferent, immense, a container of all that is, not contactable by us poor humans because it is too far away (as well as very close, being God Absolute … ).

It can instead be of the Primeval Divinity of Humans, the primordial force, inhabiting the dimension called the Real, which in very distant times, has penetrated into our universe. The vision of spiritual Physics  is that of the multi-universe, physically distinct, and we inhabit the universe of forms and presides over the evolution of all its creatures.

In this case, it is a non-creator God, since the universe of forms existed before he lived there; on the other hand, he is an extremely attentive God towards humanity, since he knows that from the experiences of living creatures descends his possibility of growing, evolving, becoming ever more powerful. In short, he is rooting for us.

Finally, we may refer to those forces that people of all ages, with the exception of those linked to monotheism, have described as Divinity, attributing to them prerogatives and characteristics that are sometimes more favorable to humans, sometimes less so. Thus in the ancient pantheon there are some partial forces, and for certain, other powerful ones that support peoples and individuals on their path of life and growth.

But if we think about it …

All this opens up to subsequent considerations. For example: does the Motionless Motor really exist, as a self-aware entity, or is it simply an image to explain the immensity of what is? And anyway, if we think about it, we realize that its existence is irrelevant to our life, since being absolute, it can not exercise free will, that is, choice, since choosing means excluding something, an act that is not foreseen in its nature.

The discourse about the strength of our universe, the Primeval Divinity of Humans, is different. It is the maximum deity that we can conceive and somehow perceive, and which expresses interest in the creatures of the universe. The great religions would seem to allude to it, although they confuse it in some cases with the Motionless Motor. Although not being creative, in fact it represents the DNA of the universe itself, since it permeates every ravine and every creature.

Finally, the divinities of the peoples, that is, intelligences that live in their dimension and that humanity has always sought to attract to itself by attributing to them understandable characteristics for humans, which allow them to express devotion to them, obtaining in return help and protection. Modern cultures, which derive from those that have been formed on epic texts, from the Homeric poems to the Mesopotamian ones, owe much to this vision.

So exactly what do we talk about when we talk about God?

Is God a layman?    

And can we talk about it in layman terms? According to Damanhur, yes. The central point of this discourse is what we call Primeval Divinity of Humans, which in this conception represents a “superior” entity, but whose superiority is “natural”, is part of a reign of the existing in the same way as the other creatures are part of the animal, vegetable, mineral kingdoms: a lion, compared to a microbe, is certainly superior, but it is certainly not supernatural.  

Primeval Divinity of Humans represents the unique, homogeneous, unifying energy that touches every aspect of the universe of forms. It has the characteristic of making the whole universe “continuous”, in which every single cell is connected with each other. When we think of this God, we are within a thought that gives us the possibility to project ourselves into every corner of the universe.             

This is truly divine, the rest are words and vocabulary definitions!