Astrology ForecastMarch 2018
Planet in the signs
On the 10th of March, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, followed on the 18th by the Sun and Mercury.
The other planets do not change Signs during the month: Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries.
Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for March 2018
1) The energy resultant (ER) of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets with the zodiac signs
2) Astrology forecast
3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
5) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.
Note: the zodiac signs are listed in the order of the energy resultant, from lowest to highest.
+6-49 = -43
In the first part of the month good opportunities for new activities or initiatives, thanks to their enthusiasm, then the situation tends to show the prevalence of this period, made up of contrasts and points of view with the others who are not necessarily compatible.
6562 – Tend to eternity. The Gods turn their eyes to those who can justifiably pray. The right address. Old poems present new problems. Synchronic solutions.
55 – CELIBATE – Monk, spiritual and material virginity, hermit, devotion, rituality, chosen and meditative isolation, imprisonment.
2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Know how to advise (others). Color: Orange, Stone: selenite / silver. (11: revelation). 2nd Quest
+23-50 = -27
Your creative energy and the desire for serenity are very strong, towards the end of the month pleasant moments can also take shape. In this month there is a prevalence of probable differences of position, in areas of work and professional in general, or in the management of social or public roles.
5225 – Excessive fear of evil creates evil. Uncontrolled thought forms. Sensitive aura. Do not be fanatical. Tolerance.
50 – DRESSED MAN – Judge. Observer. Counsellor. Doctor, doctor, healer, comfort, assist.
6 – Harmony, education, balance. Responsibility. Importance of sentiment. Period for the house. Adaptation. Color: Blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quest.
+18-22 = -4
Despite several astrological “opposites” (especially until the 20th), which could highlight oversights or confusion in the management of their social tasks, after the first week of March they become favorable exchanges of ideas and perspectives, in the areas of your friendships and ideals that you share with others.
1554 – When body and spirit are not in harmony, our health suffers. Liver. Take care to harmonize.
21 – THE WORLD – Fulfillment, completion, success, elevation, deserved gain, integrity achieved, reward, luck in choices, winning, final understanding. INFL. JUPITER-SUN.
9 – Expand, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reaching the goal, conclude. Color: White. Stone: diamond. 9th Quest.
+26-24 = +2
From March 17th, you may feel that the desire to live your life with greater spontaneity has been revived, as you have probably been imagining for some time, but now it can become more feasible, thanks to the energy that you will be able to put into what you are passionate about. Prudence in relationships, remember to check before making important decisions.
6415 – Synchronicity where you are the giver, not the beneficiary. You are the Lord of Karma without your knowledge. One moment. Preaching. Conversations of love.
9 -THE HERMIT– Prudent choice, confidentiality, constructive loneliness, restriction, meditation, self-test, shed light on the dangerous path. JESOD. INFL. SATURN.
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, start something. Color: Red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quest.
+38-20 = +18
It is better to listen to your intuitions, even if they are weak, because they “perceive” even parts that are not clear to you, so you need to know how to translate them and in order to do it well time is always necessary. In your job or profession there may be extensive reorganization plans in place, to which you do not feel too comfortable.
5322 – Do not judge your task as burdensome. If you think so, it will be. If you want it to be light, it will be. Weaving. The sense of one’s duty must be satisfied.
10 – THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE – Rhythms, alternatives of fate, surprises to contain or contrast, instability, intuition necessary, perceptivity, opportunity to seize. MALCUT. INFL. MOON-MERCURY
6 – Harmony, education, balance. Responsibility. Importance of sentiment. Day for the house. Adaptation. Color: Blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quest
+44-25 = +19
You are very involved in the projects you have been orchestrating for a long time, from the 17th, a new realization energy is added to the planning. Do not neglect other parts, such as, for example, family or community relationships, which, while not reflecting your current interests, are nevertheless the basis of balance.
1222 – The instant is changeable, like a child playing. Addiction to things. Transformation. Gevurah.
20 – JUDGEMENT – Inspiration, unveiled knowledge, prophecy, reading of synchronic signs, stable renewal, theurgy, completion magic, rebirth. INFL. MOON-MERCURY.
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Efficiency. Power of action, practicality, strength! Color: Black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quest.
+29-8 = +21
Check if your action is exaggerated, or take proper account of the deep values in the place where you live, because you might be a little superficial in this. For the rest, the month of March maintains a high rate for your expression and for new openings and perspectives, which will make you better outline your next field of action.
6421 – Synchronic doorway is closing. Re-opening at random. Science through Ritual. The struggle of every day. Meditate.
66 -USEFULNESS – Advantage, profit, return, profit. Interest, important, useful but not essential.
4 – Building, deepening, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, do projects. Color: Green. Stone: emerald / gold. (22: concrete dreams and idealism). 4th Quest.
+41-15 = +26
Practicality and creativity. Well-aimed energy and a growing trust that you feel. In the first part of the month, some shadows, not well defined, could make you uneasy.
6511 – The respected age. A child older than the parent. Reincarnation. Mobility of time. Hope is certainty. Today and tomorrow.
53 – SURVEILLANT – Surveyor, curious, nosy, spy, observer, examiner, scientist, artist, creates unusual connections.
2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Know how to advise (others). Color: Orange. Stone: selenite / silver. (11: revelation). 2nd Quest.
+36-8 = +28
You may feel projected towards rapid practical achievements and new interesting stimuli, however, all well thought out and useful. Within you there are also some parts, perhaps less obvious, that ‘work’ incessantly, while not giving certainty, but that make you feel increasingly closer to defining something important.
5261 – Change. Do not hide your head in a false security. Believe, in the little things, as long as you have control.
24 – DEPARTURE – Movement, displacement, journey, departure, escape, abandonment, escape with the mind and dream to do something.
2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Know how to advise (others). Color: Orange. Stone: selenite / silver. (11: revelation). 2nd Quest.
+40-10 = +30
It seems that some parts of you, very different but very present, can somehow ‘collaborate’, thus uniting a certain ‘sixth sense’ to what you can lucidly process with imagination and fantasy. A synergy that could only seem abstract, but soon reveals itself as an anticipation of your future needs. In relationships with others you tend to still demonstrate little, measure.
4164 – Do not pour your tensions on those who love you. Ego. Respect. Give time, and patience, so that harmony returns.
29 TALKS – Diplomatic meetings, discussions, detainees, talks, negotiations, talking, saying things, even in sleep, signals, negotiations.
3 – Communicate, connect, present in public, drive. Extroversion. Express yourself, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: Yellow. Stone: topaz. 3rd Quest.
+42-0 = +42
A great energy and positive values animate you that, together with a lucid planning of daily activities, tend to develop new exchanges, activities and practical interests. The first part of the month is also full of stimuli and the desire to live your life with greater freedom, a phase that, in the second part, becomes more structured and responsible.
3456 – Everything has not always been this way. Your horse has also been wild, and now it is domesticated. Education. More self-control. You’re a firecracker.
36 – BLOND MAN – Honest person, sense of justice, proud man, distinguished, artistic sense, science, spirit of observation.
4 – Building, deepening, self-discipline. Method and consistency. Work, useful occupations, do projects. Color: Green. Stone: emerald / gold. (22: concrete dreams and idealism). 4th Quest.
+52-4 = +48
Until March 17th you may feel limited or forced by roles that do not correspond to your current needs, then this situation tends to mitigate and disappear. The ‘mystical sense’ of your astrological sign is very strong, which tends to transcend reality in a transcendent way and, sometimes, overlaps the sensory part with the rational part and which, in this period, is particularly well supported by solid ideals and a powerful desire for design transformation.
2615 – Sacrifice something small. The path is made of small stones. The big boulder hovers, the stone climbs over. Learn to regulate your strength.
13 – DEATH – Inevitability, disenchantment that dries up and devoid of the heart, fatality, transformation and rebirth, necessary end, detachment, new possible and necessary balances, resignation.
2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Know how to advise (others). Color: Orange. Stone: selenite / silver. (11: revelation). 2nd Quest.