Synchronic Horoscope: November 5-11, 2017

Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


ARIES 3556 – It has already been said. Making mistakes is repeating an error that has already been made. – Do not always repeat the same things. Listen. It has already been said.
TAURUS 3422 – There is much more pain around you than within you. You are not that important. But you are unique. Comprehension. – The Dignity of your right place. Defense, Dignity.
GEMINI 6226 – Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism. – Changing without hesitation.
CANCER 3615 – The Great Humorist considers our seriousness in playing. Just as an ant climbs a breadcrumb, convinced that it is the most important thing in the world. – More trust and fewer tensions.
LEO 4655 – A “maybe” makes you think and discover the answers by yourself. – Maybe, yes!
VIRGO 3344 – Music. In a small dark house with the windows closed. Outside the sun is shining. But you don’t want to open the door. – Do not be afraid of seeming or being different.
LIBRA 3556 – It has already been said. Making mistakes is repeating an error that has already been made. – Do not always repeat the same things. Listen. It has already been said.
SCORPIO 6515 – Age respected. A son older than his parent. Reincarnation. Time mobility. – Near the stars. Infinitesimal time.17.
SAGITTARIUS 3144 – If you are so good in what you do and what you decide, demonstrate that it is not presumption. – The help of a stone.
CAPRICORN 6153 – It is not true that time escapes you. It goes through you and you fly with it. Be aware of your strengths. – You are as old as you decide to be. Swim in time.
AQUARIUS 5335 – It is your synchronic moment for a candle and a prayer. Offer your day. – The immense synchronic value of the Rite.
PISCES 5331 – It is your synchronic moment for a candle and a prayer. Offer your day. – Contemplation and silence. Preparation.


by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page

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