At the age of 15 years old, pustules began to appear everywhere. I was diagnosed with psoriasis and within two months, my body was covered with scabs. I was an adolescent full of difficulties, and this only caused them to increase. I was hospitalized for intensive care without any results. After a few years, the doctors’ verdicts were unanimous: they told me that I could never heal. Those scabs all over my body would stay with me my entire life. It was not a certainty, but perhaps it would get better during menopause, about 35 years in the future.
I was 21 years old when I came to Damanhur. At the time, I covered every centimeter of my skin with clothing so it would not be visible. I began to receive pranatherapy from Falco Tarassaco, with very little hope of seeing any improvement.
Living in community, I was naked in all of my fragility, I was literally skinless, but I could finally share my existential anxiety with others without feeling like I had to defend myself from something.
With love, sweetness and determination, I began to discover myself, receiving help from others to not escape at the first difficulties. It was not easy to really look at myself. It was not easy to accept and appreciate myself, but if someone next to me was doing it too, if others showed me a mirror that reflects my richness and beauty, it all became easier.
The constancy with which Falco did healing sessions with me, every week, made an impact on my life. I discovered the value of not giving up, of building something every day, putting one brick on top of another in order to see a house growing, my house.
After three years, only a few patches of psoriasis were left on my body, and after four years, it had disappeared altogether.
After 10 years, there was a new episode. In a few weeks, I was full of small pustules that stayed there for about 9 to 10 months and then disappeared. When I saw them, I greeted them with new eyes. I asked them what they came to tell me. I listened to my discomfort. I patiently took care of it, every day a drop of attention, always helped by Falco who gave me water charged with prana to wash those little pustules every night. Falco told me not to forget, to have the courage to see myself and know how to change once again. It worked.
Now I’m 55 years old, and together with other Damanhurians, I teach in the School for Spiritual Healers .
When I meet students of all ages who come from all over the world, I see in their eyes the unmistakable light of those who want to transform their lives. A Healer is someone who knows how to renew themselves and bring renewal to others.
Perhaps illness, with its difficult but precious path, is the Grail that will succeed in saving us all.
Formica Coriandolo
Dear Leslie, I know what you mean, I was angry and I’ve cried so much too when I was’n finding a solution… But I totally trust your capacity to find the best way to live this process of understanding, of acceptance and transformation, I really do. I send you all my love and strenght, and I hope too meet you in person here in Damanhur!
Dear Formica – Thank you for sharing your healing journey and giving hope to others.
Dear Bruce, I’m really happy that my experience can help people to look at their illness with new eyes.
Thank you for your appreciation, it made me happy to read it!
What an uplifting beautiful story. As I sit here having pity for myself and angry at not ridding myself completely of chronic fatigue, I am humbly reminded this is part of my process in this life and to not forget to look directly to my CF for answers as well be thankful for the guidance and understanding it brings.
Dear Leslie, chronic fatigue is not an easy condition, but our body can heal when given support to do so. You can look around in your community for holistic doctors that can help you in finding the best solution for you. All the best and thank you for sharing! Let us know how it goes… Con te!
Dear Formica Coriandolo: There has been a scientific breakthrough called Asea that assists everyone of your 6 trillion cells to heal themselves. It is 100% safe and non-toxic , and is a cellular supplement that has already helped many, many people to heal themselves. It is NOT licensed as a pharmaceutical, or drug, so you don’t need an RX to obtain it. It has been available since 2010, and the company that makes it continues every year to add the the scientific research studies on it that help us understand how it works within your cells to empower them to do their healing work, as they were meant to. It is currently now available in the EU, Australia, the US, Mexico, and next year will be available in China, Colombia, Hong Kong as well. If you want to know more about these miraculous molecules, you can find that out at simonemalboeuf.teamasea.com or aseaglobal.com. Blessings on your healing journey.
Thank you Simone for your sharing. Formica healed completely from her condition drug-free 🙂
With strength and fearlessness you can achieve any thing for man is beyond the creation
I am not this body it is an instrument for my use
We can for sure use every situation as an opportunity to become a better person! 🙂