Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.

ARIES 4311 – Today and tomorrow the earth is propitious for you. Above and below. Act. – Plants, enjoy them, watch them, grow them.
TAURUS 5145 – Images and thoughts condition you too much. Fermentation. – An “illuminating” show.
GEMINI 3411 – The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait. – Not moving. Synchronic opportunities are nearer.
CANCER 6442 – Flying. It is positive. The reading of your name. Meeting point. – Temperance, it is wealth. 14.
LEO 4254 – Ruin. Fall. A Trial. As long as you are not touched, everything is easy. A minuscule test is for you very hard. – You are aware of the distance between your words and your actions.
VIRGO 4565 – God created the world in six days. It is not right to have everything at once. High costs. – Synchronic hesitation. Wait for an explanation, first.
LIBRA 1224 – The instant is changeable, like a child playing. – Abundant goods.
SCORPIO 2115 – Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. – Do not fall into a sentimental trap.
SAGITTARIUS 3346 – Music. In a small dark house with the windows closed. Outside the sun is shining. But you don’t want to open the door. – Your voice. Daring.
CAPRICORN 1156 – If your body were taken care of, your mind would be clear. – Slowing down of things.
AQUARIUS 5624 – Shyness. Insecurity. Greater determination. Precision that becomes fussiness. The determined person accepts risks, after evaluating things. – Realizable projects, if well prepared and presented.
PISCES 3231 – Away with the mask. Humility. You will be accepted the way you are. – Show yourself as you are: it will be a new face and that will be your strength.


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