My spiritual Creed

I have traveled many miles, and only felt at home in the unspecified world of dreams.

This was the start of my Quest, that I realized only as I walked the fields and started to plant my seeds in the soil.
Gradually the landscape changed and I realized that I was coming in unknown lands.
My blue perfection was overcast and the cloudes were thick as fog as I moved forward.
Out of the clouds – I saw my universe in its aspect as a continual change of state;
there you were 10 beautiful souls coming out of the spinning wheel of fortune.
for the Magician and Zero for the one consiousness of spirit…

As my mirrors you throw light on my ancient secrets and twilight paths…
It was painful, especially when you touch my deep wounds
– the smoldering rage, anger, grief, insecurity, sadness and fatigue.
The turn of the Wheel did not always make sense or appeard fair in the moment.
But through the fog of the mind’s drama, I felt the flames of truth burn inside of me and I knew that I was endowed with the power to choose, to bring about changes by transforming the only thing I ever had control of in the first place
I asked for courage, not by the absence of fear
– but daring to make my actions in site of fear,
and I moved out against the resistance engendered by fear into the unknown and into the future.
I let you see everything –
and I allowed myself to be insecure
– experience insecurity
– getting to know this aspect of myself fully
– everything that I experienced reflected me –
there was nowhere to escape to, and I wouldn’t want to escape, as I was the one creating my own reality.

A new dimension of wellbeing emerges, a kind of security that includes the changes unfolding within me.
From my center I started to direct the motion of my life, moving into an greater freedom, not beeing crushed by the circumstances, but knowing that each moment offered me a opportunity to experiment and develop my pure will,
not to impose but to direct…

Life became an inner laboratory and together we were elaborating.
We discoverd that words was no preparation and we started to walk together … In the physical work we meet in a natural state of spontaneity, I lost my defenses and surrendered in to the presence and the now.
I felt the waves that brought us closer together; for a brief moment I felt the exhilaration of the united forces and the ability to raise the energy around us.

I looked at your rhythm and watched your hands create.

– I saw my soul inside of you; it was at this moment that I stopped making waves and instead watched how the pattern developed. As the sun rises or a rose opens I moved into a devoted moment, where I could rest in our collective heart –

I understood that the riches we each bring to the ”whole” unite our inner rigdome to create love and wisdom available to everyone, we are linked and reminiscent of a larger force; I felt the truth of my soul breathing within me, a simple, beautiful and true feeling – a kiss I wanted with all my life…that was when I understood why openness is hard, for simplicity costs everything I have. I walked through seasons of change, not in the spirit where time does not exist, but in the evolving spiral of life, both inside outside myself.

From the depth of my heart I thank the rewarding intelligence of the universe for bringing me you.
– the key to my room, and the kind of beauty that can give me new life.
The true spontaneous energy of life comes when I connect myself. With this I risked the ocean

– because it is the contact to my inner divinity.

From Silja-  New Life temporary citizen

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Astrology ForecastMarch 2018

+42-0 = +42
A great energy and positive values animate you that, together with a lucid planning of daily activities, tend to develop new exchanges, activities and practical interests. The first part of the month is also full of stimuli and the desire to live your life with greater freedom, a phase that, in the second part, becomes more structured and responsible.


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