ARIES 3316 -The quasi-real. Form is the power of Maya. Send out your forms and breathe more. – Learn to think.
TAURUS 6364 – The health of others. Right now, your help is synchronic. Meeting. -Look for the one(s) in need of you..
GEMINI 3611 -The Great Humorist considers our seriousness in playing. Just as an ant climbs a breadcrumb, convinced that it is the most important thing in the world. – Absurd fears. Resizing them.
CANCER 2245 – The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars?- When you do not understand, do not be silent. Ask
LEO 3641 -Rest is needed. Renewing sleep. Clearer mind.- Sleeping. Advice and ideas when awakening.
VIRGO 3225 – From a balanced relationship, survival is born. -Knowing one‚Äôs place, means to know how to stay there.
LIBRA 4142 – A communication changes your life. Take advantage of the wave to reach the shore. The light on the path. – Changed dwelling-place. Positions, places.
SCORPIO 2225 – Sleep. Plan your day, the fatigue will be less and the result better. – You don’t know how to extract the best out of yourself.
SAGITTARIUS 3133 -Leaves are delicate, but thorns are also leaves. – Do not discuss now with the one(s) you love.
CAPRICORN 1411 – Seven is the amount you must add. If you are a woman, 5. This will help you meditate. The answer is near!- Your birth, your lines, the hours.
AQUARIUS 2531 -The Falcon is above you. Illumination.- Fighting, remembering your oath and promises.
PISCES 1516 -Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you. – It is not true that you are not the right age.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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